
Attack of the Snot-monster is on the nose in Stranger Things 2

Spoiler alert: After lots of looming menace but not much actual action, bad things are finally happening in Stranger Things 2

THREE episodes into the second season of Stranger Things and we are finally getting to the good stuff.

Get ready for a spoiler-filled review of Stranger Things season 2 episode 3, “The Pollywog”.

Dustin shows Mike his new friend Dart the Demogorgon spawn.
Dustin shows Mike his new friend Dart the Demogorgon spawn.

Unlike last season, where Will was taken by the Demogorgon in the first episode, season two has seen more of a slow burn. There has been a sense that bad things are coming but we just don’t know what those will be.

Instead we have had incremental doses of drama. Nancy and Steve breaking up over the guilt of Barb’s death. The strange rot that is emanating from the Hawkins Lab. Will’s trips back into the Upside Down. Dustin and Lucas falling for the new girl, Max. And Eleven camping out in Hopper’s cabin, wanting to get back and see her friends.

Now all the pieces are in place and things are finally clicking.

Hopper has persuaded Dr Carter Burke from the lab (I know that’s not his name but that’s what Paul Reiser will always be to me, after his role as the evil weasel in Aliens) to test the rot that is destroying all the pumpkins around the lab.

Jonathan and Nancy are setting some sort of trap for the people listening in on their phone, by asking Barb’s mum to come and meet them for a “secret” chat.

Eleven is out of the cabin and looking for trouble – and we know she is going to find it.

Dustin’s dustbin monster didn’t turn out to be a mutant squirrel (pity!) but instead the strange slug-creature that Will vomited up at the end of season one. How it got from his bathroom sink into Dustin’s bin will perhaps never be known but it’s set to play a vital role in what is to come.

Will is still having a bad time with the Upside Down.
Will is still having a bad time with the Upside Down.

Bizarrely, Dustin loves the slime-covered little snotball and christens it D’Artagnan, or “Dart” for short.

He brings it to school, where instead of destroying the disgusting little booger, the others are fascinated. Or, at least they are until Will recognises it as the thing he vomited up into his sink. This means it is some sort of Demogorgon spawn but the fact it likes Dustin adds some confusion to the mix. Is it trying to trick him into protecting it until it is big enough to kill them all? Or does it have some redeeming features.

We shall find out soon, as it makes some weird Upside Down call that transports Will into said place. Instantly the Shadow Monster is after him but, this time, he decides not to run.

Bob might make Joyce smile but his advice makes Will a victim of the Shadow Monster.
Bob might make Joyce smile but his advice makes Will a victim of the Shadow Monster.

Instead he remembers the advice from Joyce’s new boyfriend Bob to stand up to your fears.

However, Bob was talking about an imaginary clown, rather than a very real Shadow Monster. Will was smart enough to know to run from the Demogorgon in the first series. Now he decides to tell the monster to “go away”.

Predictably, it shoves its shadow-stuff (not sure if that’s a word but there’s no other descriptor that suits!) into his mouth, eyes and ears.

That’s not going to do him much good.

How bad it is, we’ll see next episode …

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