
Ex-Navy man sentenced in Yeppoon court for multiple DV offences

A man who previously served in the Navy carried out protracted domestic violence abuse on his partner including telling her that her friends “snitched like dogs” about her involvement with another man.

An ex-Navy man has faced Yeppoon court for domestic violence offences. Generic image.
An ex-Navy man has faced Yeppoon court for domestic violence offences. Generic image.

A man who previously served in the Australian Navy has faced a Central Queensland court for protracted domestic violence abuse of his partner.

The man, who by law cannot be named, pleaded guilty in Yeppoon Magistrates Court on Thursday to three counts of contravening a domestic violence order.

The court heard his offending happened between January and December last year and he had recently separated from the aggrieved woman.

Police prosecutor Mirren Smith said in January 2023, the woman was on an island with a male friend when the defendant sent her several “threatening and abusive” text messages.

In some of the texts, the man said: “How long have you been banging the little c--t you’ve known?... He used to visit you while I was at work, didn’t he?

The texts continued: “I found out a few things while you were on the island... don’t underestimate just how psycho I can go. All I say, no-one will win. Right now I don’t care.”

In another text, the man said: “Evidence I need from the people close to you, snitch like dogs... all I’m saying is when I find out the hard evidence I’m going to flip and nobody will come out of it healthy, myself included.”

Then in March 2023, police were called to the aggrieved woman’s residence.

Ms Smith said the man was there pushing the woman around while attempting to take a trailer without permission.

“The (man) has picked a thong and placed it over the CCTV cameras, preventing vision of what was about to happen.

“(He) manoeuvred his vehicle to hook a camper trailer that was parked at the front of the house.

“The (woman) heard the (man) and come out of the house to speak with him.

“The (woman) told the (man) he was not to take the camper trailer.”

A Central Queensland man has faced court for domestic violence abuse of his partner. Generic image.
A Central Queensland man has faced court for domestic violence abuse of his partner. Generic image.

Ms Smith said an argument followed and the man said he was “taking it.”

The prosecutor said both parties pushed each other and the woman suffered a knee injury as a result.

The December incidents involved the man sending the woman more text messages including one in which he threatened to kick her door in.

He also called her a “f---ing retarded spaced out, uneducated piece of scum” and said “don’t talk to me about being a germ, look in the mirror.”

Ms Smith said during police questioning, the man told them that since he sent the texts, he had “obtained treatment that was ongoing”.

The court heard the man only had one previous entry on his criminal history which was “relevant.”

Solicitor Cam Schroder said this was “a passionate relationship that had become very toxic.”

“My client has served his country... in the Royal Australian Navy,” Mr Schroder said.

Magistrate Grace Kahlert placed the man on six months’ probation and a conviction was recorded.

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