REVEALED: Plans for expanded estate in booming SEQ suburb
An Ipswich housing estate will be expanded, with a developer proposing to add nearly 200 houses and community green space.
An Ipswich housing estate will be expanded, with a developer proposing to add nearly 200 houses and community green space.
Ipswich ratepayers will take a bigger hit to their back pockets than Brisbane residents after the council’s new budget revealed a rates increase higher than the national average. SEE THE DETAILS
An 115-lot housing estate project approved by Ipswich City Council a decade ago has gone on the market in the first sign in years that work might finally begin.
A longstanding, key player in the Queensland construction industry has revealed the harsh reality of rising costs and how he’s stayed successful amid a spate of builder busts.
The mega developers behind Australia’s largest masterplanned city, southwest of Brisbane, are taking a major retirement living provider to court over predicted delays on a $1 billion seniors project.
Looking to beat the double whammy of rising costs and rental regulations? Here are 20 suburbs to invest in property.
From entrepreneurs to athletes, which under 25 is having the biggest impact on the Ipswich community? VOTE ON OUR LIST
Brisbane and the Gold Coast are now among the hardest places in Australia to find affordable and liveable suburbs, with households earning less than $180,000 soon to be priced out.
Southeast Queensland’s housing crisis has intensified, with the region now facing a shortfall of 25,000 rental properties due to the fewer number of homes being approved.
The number of homes over a month behind on their mortgage has spiked in Queensland’s most heavily populated areas, with interest rates yet to peak and another RBA decision looming today.
Residents of a busy suburb in Ipswich have expressed their concerns and fury at a proposal for 140 townhouses that will see land cleared and roads congested.
Private fund managers are making the running as the retail property market resets.
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