
Federal Budget

Fed Budget
Your Money superannuation generic images. Woman holding golden nest egg in her hand.

Super penalties removed

OPINION: People who pump too much money into their super fund by mistake will no longer be slugged with penalties. Anthony Keane explains why.

Fed Budget
Treasurer Joe Hockey during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013. (AAP Image/Daniel Munoz) NO ARCHIVING

The 2014 Budget in a nutshell

THERE will be lots to dazzle voters in tomorrow night’s Budget as Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey show they are no wimps — but how will it affect your life?

Fed Budget
Dr Tim Hughes holding CSIRO newly devloped permanent contact lens to his eye 17 Jun 2002.

14 awesome Australian inventions

WI-FI, Aerogard, plastic money. Who knew one government agency was responsible for such amazing inventions? But with massive budget cuts looming, here’s what’s at risk.

Secret Mens Business - Pictured: John Mangos. Picture: Attila Szilvasi.

Older people want work at 70

IN news to cheer Treasurer Joe Hockey, more than a third of older people want to work until they are 70, yet fear for an appropriate job.

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