
14 awesome things you never knew were invented by the CSIRO

WI-FI, Aerogard, plastic money. Who knew one government agency was responsible for such amazing inventions? But with massive budget cuts looming, here’s what’s at risk.

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IT’S responsible for some of the world’s most exciting innovations, from Wi-Fi to Aerogard and plastic banknotes.

But the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is one of a host of government agencies bracing for deep funding cuts in tomorrow’s budget, which could see them lose up to $150 million from the bottom line.

The organisation, which works with nearly 2000 companies on diverse projects that bring in millions in government revenue, is also slated for job cuts amid fears more than 26,000 public sector workers could lose their jobs.

WiFi is used in more than five billion devices around the world.
WiFi is used in more than five billion devices around the world.

Science and Technology Australia chief executive Catriona Jackson is worried major innovations and research projects could be put on ice.

“Would you like them not to have developed Relenza, the best broad-spectrum flu drug there is in the world?” she said.

Industry Minister Ian MacFarlane said while there’s no doubt the CSIRO is tied to innovation and knowledge, nothing is off limits “It is a time for prudence and we need to spend it on the highest priorities,” he said.

With that in mind, here are 14 amazing things you never knew the CSIRO was responsible for:

1 — The organisation was the first in Australia to start using the internet, which is why their domain name is (as opposed to or It’s also Australia’s largest patent holder with 3582 patents, 728 inventions and 275 trademarks.

2 — A group of five CSIRO scientists invented wireless LAN technology, otherwise known as Wi-Fi, which is used in more than five billion devices globally and has earned more than $430 million in royalties alone.

Polymer bank notes used in 30 denominations are another homegrown invention.
Polymer bank notes used in 30 denominations are another homegrown invention.

3 — Researchers Isabel Joy Bear and Richard Grenfell Thomas invented the word “petrichor” which describes the distinct smell of rain.

4 — In 1987 the CSIRO invented the world’s first effective influenza treatment, Relenza.

5 — It invented Aerogard to keep flies off cattle and prevent diseases. As well as being a summer essential, the product was used by the Queen when she visited Australia in 1963.

6 — It grants around 80 new commercial licenses every year to products like BARLEYmax, a low GI “supergrain” with four times the resistant starch of regular grains.

7 — It invented a permanent pleat for fabrics — no more ironing!

8 — In 2005, CSIRO scientists developed near-perfect rubber from resilin, which is an elastic protein that gives fleas their jumping ability and helps insects fly.

The organisation is Australia’s largest patent holder and grants around 80 commercial licences each year to products like BARLEYmax.
The organisation is Australia’s largest patent holder and grants around 80 commercial licences each year to products like BARLEYmax.

9 — It invented extended-wear soft contact lenses.

10 — The plastic bank notes, known as polymer, used in Australia and 30 countries around the world were invented by the CSIRO to last longer and prevent counterfeiting.

11 — It’s developed 100 varieties of cotton to help Australian farmers save water, reduce costs and cut insecticide use by 85 per cent.

12 — Softly fabric softener was invented by CSIRO.

13 — The organisation developed the world’s first vaccine to prevent the spread of Hendra virus from horses to humans.

14 — It developed computer models that mean people can forecast weather patterns 10 times better than before.

This list was republished in part with permission from the CSIRO. For more details on what they do, click here.

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Originally published as 14 awesome things you never knew were invented by the CSIRO

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