

This was published 8 years ago

How a nation lost its mind over what Muslim women are wearing

By Maher Mughrabi

Perhaps it was the liberation of Manbij that did it, I tell myself. The sight of women there throwing off the niqab and even burning it in their joy at being released from the daily terror and the strictures of rule by the so-called Islamic State has once again plunged us into confusion.

There are women over there, in Syria, being forced to wear the niqab. So anyone over here or in France or in downtown Los Angeles who wears the niqab - or even the burkini - must also be under some sort of duress.

The people forcing them to wear it come from a militant end-of-days Islamist movement that beheads people and hates the West. So whenever I see such garments on a woman, the forces of this same movement must be close by. Or I must be looking at one of its fellow travellers and sympathisers.

Is this what French people or French officials actually believe? If so, then I think a nation may have lost its mind.

A Muslim woman enjoying the beach in Marseille.

A Muslim woman enjoying the beach in Marseille.Credit: AP

The worst thing about the burqa-niqab-burkini debate in France is how utterly predictable it all is. Some of us have been trying to remove ourselves from this morass for years. You try to laugh at it. Or you try to show people that there is more to a Muslim woman who wears a headscarf than they think. But you keep on hearing the same nonsense from the same sorts of people.

You can even try logic. In the story I linked to about the liberation of Manbij, men are seen shaving off their beards in a celebration of freedom. Does that mean all the Ned Kelly-style hipsters out my way in Melbourne's inner north are "enslaved" to something even more tyrannical than the dictates of fashion? Of course not, Maher - a beard here doesn't mean the same thing as a beard there. But the niqab? Oh, stop - wait - I can't apply any kind of logical perspective to Muslim women and their clothes. Muslims are different.


We've heard before that these coverings need to be banned in the name of security. The people who tell us this almost never actually work in security themselves. Besides, I see people take off their shoes at the airport and even their belts to go through the scanner, for security reasons. Are we going to ban those?

Sorry, just trying to be logical again. When will I learn?

We've heard that burqas and niqabs are "confronting". Personally I find piercings and sleeve tattoos and people who file down their teeth to look like animal canines confronting. Do I need to waste police time with this nonsense? Should I have the power to force people to conform to my rather vanilla middle-class ideas about personal appearance?

Have any of the people who find the niqab "confronting" tried saying hello to someone who wears the niqab? Seriously. From my experience, it doesn't require great personal courage - only a willingness to engage and an ability to listen.

A Muslim woman in niqab speaks to non-Muslims at a "speed-dating" event in Brunswick, Melbourne.

A Muslim woman in niqab speaks to non-Muslims at a "speed-dating" event in Brunswick, Melbourne. Credit: Meredith O'Shea

I am far from convinced that such bans can really be policed without stigmatising both Muslim women who wear other types of head covering and people of foreign appearance more generally. I know Muslim families in this country where one sister covers while her siblings do not. There will be many such cases in France. Are we really to believe that one of these young women is "enslaved" while somehow the others have been "liberated" from their parents or the abstract grip of religion?

Among my own aunts and female cousins, most of whom live in the Middle East, the hijab has had its ups and downs. Some have never worn it. Some began wearing it in their teens, others in middle age. Often their husbands were the most bewildered. I have one cousin who began wearing it when her mother did, only to go back to Western dress when she married and had children. At no point did I feel it was my place to question their actions or worse, try to "explain" them to them.

But I will say this. When German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere says that "we want to make it a legal requirement to show your face in places where that is necessary for the cohesion of our society", he needs to think about why women might wear the niqab or the burkini - because they have a different definition to him of what must remain private in public. Women who wear hijab out of doors often do not do so in the family home, precisely because that is a private space, where they are among their relatives.

In a country where people are getting their knickers in a knot over the privacy implications of the census, is this really so difficult to understand, even if you don't agree with it?

By insisting these women wear less in public you may be compelling them - as they see it - not to go to the beach or venture out at all, despite the fact that they clearly want to. Does that really promote cohesion?

When you look at the Muslim woman being forced to account for her clothing on the beach at Nice, surrounded by men equipped with long truncheons and pepper spray, you wonder who is actually being confronted and/or threatened. Unless my eyes deceive me, all the people on the beach were sunning themselves, not fleeing in panic.

Mind you, reports from the scene have claimed that some of these bystanders told the woman to "go home" and applauded the police while her daughter wept. Doubtless these sunbathers and their fearless and scantily-clad stance in defence of human liberty will be the subject of monuments near the Arc de Triomphe one day. Or perhaps in Cronulla, where young men also stood up to fight "them" on the beaches.

Perhaps this is not about Muslim women at all. Perhaps it is about a European political elite whose ideas about the direction of the continent and the European project appear to be unravelling around them, even as the strength of the far right waxes to the point where it threatens that elite's grip on high office. The deeply unpopular Francois Hollande and his government can look over their shoulders and see both Marine Le Pen and Nicolas Sarkozy - now marketing himself as an anti-establishment outsider - sharpening the knives of "French identity", ready to deal the ruling Socialists a death blow.

To convince the worried populace, shaken by repeated terrorist atrocities, that they are indeed in control, they become martinets of dress, just as the British government responded to chronic crime and social deprivation by getting into a lather about hooded tops. Unable to set out a coherent political program, they plunge ferociously into cosmetic measures.

Even in Germany, where the state is nervous about such measures for its own historical reasons, we are told that while the "operative effect of a ban is close to zero", it is important because it will "send a social signal".

I am one of those people living in Australia who has long believed that using the bodies of those who seek asylum to send a "message" to people smugglers is immoral. So too, I believe, is using the body of any Muslim woman to send "signals" to IS.

But above all I am against assumptions about people, whether they are wearing the niqab or playing beach volleyball. During the recent Olympics, I tried to imagine someone watching women play beach volleyball there for the very first time. Isn't this a form of sexual entertainment? They might ask. Or why would any woman opt to dress like this?

"Insider looked into the matter and found that the answer is really simple," one reporter writes. "Women beach volleyball players wear the bikinis because they want to, not because it's required."

You don't say.

Somebody call the police!

Somebody call the police!Credit: Meredith O'Shea

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