

Maher Mughrabi is an editor and senior writer. From 2017 to 2023 he was features editor of The Age and from 2014 to 2017 he was foreign editor of The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Many fear Trump will take power with guns. But his real weapon is the gavel

Many fear Trump will take power with guns. But his real weapon is the gavel

A close US election result might well reproduce the scenes of the January 6, 2021, Capitol riots. But the Supreme Court, and its habit of overturning norms, could be what helps Trump prevail.

  • by Maher Mughrabi


We see what we want: How Assange became a political Rorschach test

We see what we want: How Assange became a political Rorschach test

The founder of WikiLeaks helped turned the concept of left and right-wing politics on its head.

  • by Maher Mughrabi
Gantz’s exit may reduce Netanyahu’s room to move, but it won’t bring down the government

Gantz’s exit may reduce Netanyahu’s room to move, but it won’t bring down the government

With the next Israeli election not scheduled until 2026, what happens between now and then depends largely on what Israeli politicians understand “the job” to be.

  • by Maher Mughrabi
A quarter of the world’s people observe Ramadan. What’s it for and what are the rules?

A quarter of the world’s people observe Ramadan. What’s it for and what are the rules?

Some 800,000 Australians and many more overseas observe Ramadan. What is the purpose of this holy month?

  • by Maher Mughrabi
Our debate about writers’ angry tweets obscures the real scandal

Our debate about writers’ angry tweets obscures the real scandal

You might think the controversy over Adelaide Writers’ Week is about one word or another. In truth, it is an awful distraction from the purpose of the Palestinian writers’ appearance at the event.

  • by Maher Mughrabi
Ex-soldier still fighting for a better Australia

Ex-soldier still fighting for a better Australia

“The biggest lie at the moment is that we are doing ‘freedom of navigation operations’ in the South China Sea ... We’re not Dora the Explorer or Matthew Flinders.”

  • by Maher Mughrabi
Miniskirts and mujahideen: How did Afghanistan come to be defined by war?
Fall of Kabul

Miniskirts and mujahideen: How did Afghanistan come to be defined by war?

It was once a stop on the hippie trail and inspiration for the Lonely Planet guidebooks. So how did Afghanistan come to be defined by war and terrorism?

  • by Maher Mughrabi
HRW report on Israeli apartheid comes at a pivotal moment

HRW report on Israeli apartheid comes at a pivotal moment

In a world where governments loudly proclaim their dedication to human rights and equality, some voices are still granted more credibility than others. Is Human Rights Watch one of them?

  • by Maher Mughrabi
Accused and inescapable, Benjamin Netanyahu has long defined Israel

Accused and inescapable, Benjamin Netanyahu has long defined Israel

While Benjamin Netanyahu’s trials may run for months or even years, they seem as unlikely to shift the political dial as Donald Trump’s impeachment trials.

  • by Maher Mughrabi
New world orders: What Biden means for the rest of us

New world orders: What Biden means for the rest of us

First he has to replace Trump in the Oval Office. Then Joe Biden must deal with Xi, Putin and the Middle East. Here are the problems the next president should tackle first.

  • by Eryk Bagshaw, Bevan Shields, James Massola, Maher Mughrabi, Lia Timson, Chris Zappone and Matt Wade
Talk of 'historic' Middle East breakthroughs is premature

Talk of 'historic' Middle East breakthroughs is premature

The Gulf monarchies never supported the Palestinian cause in order to make money or gain friends.

  • by Maher Mughrabi

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