

This was published 21 years ago

'People in Australia give you a fair go'

She makes a joke about her surname first up to get it over with. "I'm a Muslim named Grenade," she tells the kids in her classes. "You better beware."

After they've all had a laugh, she gives them the correct pronunciation (Gronard). Thereafter, that's what they call her, most commonly putting "Miss" before the word. In fact, she's married with two children but being called Miss doesn't bother her. "If that's how they relate to me," she says with a shrug, "that's OK."

She was born Bibi Lall Mohamed in a small town in Mauritius. Her father, a headmaster, imparted two principles: the first to be a good Muslim, the second to gain an education and ensure her financial independence.

Her first job was as an air hostess with Air Mauritius. She discovered she shared an interest in literature with the purser on one of her flights. He became a convert to Islam, they married and, having seen a fair part of the world, selected Australia as the country they wanted to live in.

"We loved Australia from the outset. To begin with, there's so much space but it's also the fact that people here give you a fair go. We've never regretted choosing this country." Bibi has since had two sons who have converted her to the cause of the Essendon Football Club. When the Bombers win, she wears a combination of red and black to school - a red jacket and black skirt or a black hijab with a red band underneath.


Bibi completed a masters degree in comparative literature at Melbourne University then did a diploma of education at Monash. She sought a teaching position for six months, often feeling she did well in interviews but still not getting the jobs. When she rang to find out why, people were invariably too busy to talk.

In the end, she discussed it with her sister, a university lecturer in Mauritius who did her PhD at Melbourne University. Her sister advised her to tackle the issue of religion at her next interview, which she did. "Please don't judge me on what you think you know about my religion," she said. "Judge me on my ability as a teacher."

The year was 1997, the school was Frankston High; she's still there. When Ken Rowe, her first principal and the man who gave her the job, retired, Bibi thanked him for the trust he had placed in her. "You deserved it," he replied.

Bibi says that from the moment she arrived at the school she was made to feel part of the place. This year, she is teaching French in years 10, 11 and 12 and English in year 7. The acting principal, Simon Beaumont, makes a point of telling me that Bibi is a valued part of the school. He says they feared there might be some negativity directed her way both in the school and the larger community after September 11, but it hadn't happened.

Once, when she was doing yard duty, a 15-year-old boy asked her why she wore a tea towel on her head. "If you really want to know," she replied, "ask me in a nice way." She then asked him to walk with her and said, "You must be very rich, coming from a house with silk tea towels." His family tea towels weren't made of silk, the youth replied, whereupon she let him hold her silk hijab in his fingers. "Australian people are very fair," she says. "If they have prejudices, it's because they haven't been exposed to the other culture or influence."

Frankston High has a sister school in the French city of Orleans which it visits every two years. In 2001, a group was to leave on September 15. The terrorist attack known as September 11 happened on the Tuesday. On the Thursday, staff members, parents and students involved in the trip met to decide whether to go ahead.

Bibi offered to pull out, saying her hijab could cause problems for the group. No one wanted her to. One of the women present, whose children Bibi had been teaching for five years, said: "Bibi, I've told my daughter I want her to walk with you and hold your hand to show that we're not racist in Australia." That brought a tear to her eye.

In Paris, one of the kids said to her: "How come you know all these people?"

Muslims kept speaking to her as they passed.

Since September 11, she has been abused in the street three times because of her hijab. She says it hurts most when her children are present since the abuse is inevitably accompanied by profanity. Her children ask, "Why are those people saying those things to you", and she replies, "Because they're uneducated".

Once, in a supermarket, she was confronted by a woman who said she found Bibi's hijab offensive and told her she was a slave to her husband.

When Bibi got back to school, she told one of her colleagues, a woman in her 30s, who responded with disbelief. "Bibi," she said, "you're one of the least subservient women I've ever met."

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