

This was published 8 years ago

Germany, like France, rethinks place of Islamic veils in society

By Alison Smale

Berlin: Europe's battle over public attire for Muslim women moved on Friday from the outcry over banning "burkinis" in France to a strong call from Chancellor Angela Merkel's governing conservative bloc for a ban in Germany on face veils in schools and universities and while driving.

The German proposal, announced by Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere, was clearly driven by mounting public anxiety over integrating the refugees, who are mostly from Muslim countries, particularly after a series of terrorist assaults and a gun rampage last month.

The German plan arrives on the heels of a heated debate in France over the burkini - a full-body swimsuit with a head covering - since a handful of cities joined the mayor of the French Riviera town of Cannes in banning the garment from city beaches. Prime Minister Manuel Valls of France supported the move, calling the swimsuit a sign of the enslavement of women.

Proposals now being floated in Germany around restricting the burqa make it clear that France is not the only European country grappling with whether some Islamic coverings amount to a barrier to the full participation of women in Western society.

Visitors mingle along the Landwehrkanal in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin.

Visitors mingle along the Landwehrkanal in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin.Credit: Getty

Merkel had sent a signal about the partial ban on face veils on Thursday, when she told a group of provincial newspapers that "from my standpoint, a fully veiled woman scarcely has a chance at full integration in Germany."

De Maiziere said the same day that "the burqa doesn't fit with our country and does not correspond to our understanding of the role of women."

De Maiziere and Merkel stopped short of calling for an outright ban on the burqa, but the proposal put forward Friday tiptoes along a path that the French travelled down with a 2010 law that barred any covering that hides the face.

The French, too, put forward the law ostensibly on the grounds of public safety. Yet they have since found that defining a face covering and enforcing the law are challenging, at best. As of spring 2015, it had resulted in about 1000 fines, but many of them were for repeat offenders. Many Muslims in France criticise the law for further marginalising Muslim women, effectively forcing them to stay home, rather than easing their integration.

A study in contrasts in German street signs in Berlin, Germany.

A study in contrasts in German street signs in Berlin, Germany. Credit: Getty

Germany's system of government, carefully constructed after the Nazi era to prevent the accumulation of state powers, means the authorities interfere less than officials in neighbouring France, where the preservation of secularism is a long-established norm.

The German plan would not ban shawls or abayas that cover the body and are often worn with a hijab, a head scarf that does not cover the face, which German officials acknowledge would not win approval from the country's constitutional court.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.

German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere.Credit: AP

It would ban full face veils in schools and colleges, and while driving, appearing before courts or at public registry offices, or when going through passport control. Women who want to wear a face veil in public should not teach or become civil servants, de Maiziere said in announcing the plan on morning television.

"We want to make it a legal requirement to show your face in places where that is necessary for the cohesion of our society," he said.

A woman gets into the sea wearing a burkini, a wetsuit-like garment that also covers the head, in Marseille, France.

A woman gets into the sea wearing a burkini, a wetsuit-like garment that also covers the head, in Marseille, France. Credit: AP

He was flanked by the conservative leaders of two states with elections next month - Lorenz Caffier of the northeastern state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, and Frank Henkel of the city-state of Berlin.

"The burqa does not belong to Germany," Caffier said this week, and Henkel called the covering "a cloth cage."

Calls by conservatives for at least a partial ban on face coverings have swelled as the governing bloc - Merkel's Christian Democrats and a sister party in Bavaria - has lost ground to the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany. The far-right party has called for a ban on veils and even on minarets on mosques, and it views Islam as incompatible with the German Constitution.

One of the leaders of Alternative for Germany, Jorg Meuthen, told the German news agency DPA on Friday that the conservatives' proposal was an attempt to thwart the rise of the far right.

He conceded that the burqa was rarely seen in Germany, but he said his party's call for a ban was an attempt to pre-emptively address the matter before it became a wider issue.

It is not clear if the proposal will become law. Merkel governs in a coalition with the centre-left Social Democrats, several of whom have questioned the need for a ban and have expressed concerns that it will contribute to what they see as increasing xenophobia.

But some Social Democrats have supported a ban on full-face coverings.

"The operative effect of a ban is close to zero," said Heinz Buschkowsky, a Social Democrat who gained national attention when he was mayor in the heavily immigrant Berlin district of Neukolln. "But the burqa ban would send a social signal," he told the newspaper Bild.


"The burqa says the woman is property of the man, who can be seen by no one else," he continued. "That is darkest Middle Ages, the opposite of self-determination. A burqa ban shows what does, and does not, work in our country."

New York Times

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