

Beach Byron Bay

The sweet life writ large.

Strawberry gum lamington with Davidson plum jam.
Strawberry gum lamington with Davidson plum jam.Nikki To

Good Food hat15/20


We know we say it a lot, but you really don’t want to skip dessert. Not when chef Katrina Kanetani is heading up the pastry section and sending out silky rice pudding with poached mandarin, decadent millefeuille layered with rum chocolate and salted caramel, and perfect raspberry and rosemary pavlova crowned with a shock of dehydrated rhubarb. It’s a tough menu to resist going all-in on though, especially when you’re sitting on a pristine deck overlooking Clarkes Beach, white tablecloths, chardonnay, barbecued squid and all. Katrina’s husband Karl is also on the pans, and knows how to properly crisp a pork belly teamed with radicchio, lime and honey, and fold wild mushrooms in perky tortellini. If you’re not up for the full bells and whistles experience, the kiosk is open for beetroot-loaded works burgers too, or a hearty breakfast roll in the morning.

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