Recipe collection
14 easy peak-summer dishes (plus a fab salad) to cook this week
You know we’ve hit the height of summer when the scent of basil is in the air, and shops and vegie gardens are filled with tomatoes, zucchini, corn and cucumbers.
15 recipes
Hetty McKinnon’s grilled zucchini and cous cous salad with cherry tomato confit.
- 30 mins - 1 hr
- Hetty McKinnon
Julia Busuttil Nishimura’s sashimi rice bowls (donburi)
- < 30 mins
- Julia Busuttil Nishimura
Danielle Alvarez’s baked Murray cod with basil butter and sweetcorn
- < 30 mins
- Danielle Alvarez
Danielle Alvarez’s grilled steak and vermicelli salad with smashed cucumbers
- 30 mins - 1 hr
- Danielle Alvarez