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Supply chain fragility an ‘existential threat’ for nation

Australia faces its most acute existential crisis since World War II thanks to the threat to our supply chains sparked by the pandemic and exacerbated by the war in Europe.

That is the view of two of the nation’s leading experts in supply chain resilience – from the prestigious Melbourne Business School and leading global professional services firm Accenture.

The fragility of supply chains is Australia’s most acute existential crisis since World War II. iStock

MBS’s director of the Centre for Business Analytics, Professor Yalcin Akcay, says the fragility of our supply chains was “glaringly exposed by COVID”.

“What made the disruptions due to pandemic unique was the scale of these disruptions,” says Akcay.

“Previous disruptions were very localised and only impacted the manufacturing facilities of a handful of suppliers. This is not even comparable with what we faced in the last two years.


“Moreover, such disruptions made a dent in the supply process but hardly impacted the demand from customers.”

To put things into perspective, the most recent pandemic, the 2009 swine flu, was not a global disruption, says Akcay.

“The death toll is estimated to be around a quarter million people – a very small fraction of the death toll from COVID-19 and mostly impacting Southeast Asia and Africa.

“As an island nation, Australia conducts 98 per cent of its trade through its ports (compared to the global average of 90 per cent), so our ports are central to the supply chain. Global disruptions in sea freight and increasing cost of container shipping pose heightened challenges for Australia.

“So I would agree that this is the largest disruption we have had since World War II.”

Balancing act

Akcay says tuning your supply chain for maximum resilience is a great balancing act.

“What you can choose to do with your supply chain is a continuous spectrum – at the one end, you have the cheapest way to run things but not reliable at all, and at the other end, you might have a ‘bullet proof’ supply chain but may be prohibitively expensive to run,” says Akcay.

“Building resilience requires a mindset shift at the organisational level. Supply chain managers should welcome the idea that an optimised resilient supply chain is not necessarily the most cost efficient one.

“Rather, an optimised resilient supply chain is a configuration of the entire supply network, which achieves the desired level of reliability at the minimum possible cost.

“Clearly, adding safety stocks, building warehouses, working with alternative suppliers, adopting new digital technologies, etc. would bring additional operating costs. What really matters is to find the right balance between the burden of such costs and the enhanced risk management capabilities they allow in the face of disruptions.”

For example, with a little bit of additional investment in manufacturing flexibility, organisations can better match supply with demand, he says.

“An organisation capable of adjusting its production capabilities in the case of a disruption stands a better chance of managing supply and demand challenges.

“Organisations need to fully understand what supply chain resilience entails. A preliminary requirement of resilience is to correctly identify the suppliers that impose greater risk.”

If there has been a single positive coming out of the recent disruptions, it is the return of “supply chain” issues to leadership team agendas, says Akcay.

“This is a good thing. Australian businesses need to take a fresh look at how they have been managing their supply chain and future-proof themselves against potential disruptions.

“Once the supply chain enters its recovery phase, organisations can possibly find it more convenient to move back to ‘business as usual’ and unlearn the key points related to resilience.”

It would not be completely surprising to see organisations yet again over-emphasising cost efficiency in managing their supply chain, he says.

“Organisations should learn from their experiences in the past few years and move beyond the crisis management mentality in the near term. They should take clear action to enable resilience in their supply chain rather than taking a reactionary approach to disruptions,” says Akcay.

“Advances in big data, digital technologies, predictive and prescriptive analytics are key enablers for resilient supply chains.

“Our Centre for Business Analytics is home to some of Australia’s leading academics in forecasting (econometrics and statistics) and operations research, and I strongly believe we have the expertise to support Australian businesses on their journey towards building resilient supply chains.”

Exercise your resiliency muscle

Accenture Australia’s managing director, strategy and consulting, Growth Markets supply chain and operations lead, Vivek Luthra, shares Akcay’s concerns about the nation’s businesses slipping back into bad habits once the crisis has passed.

“Designing a resilient supply chain is a balancing act between our traditional objectives for managing supply chains, and the criteria we will apply to supply chains of the future,” says Luthra.

“Traditionally, our objectives were to optimise cost savings and service levels, top-line growth and compliance in supply chain management.”

“We can’t walk away from cost efficiency and service levels, but we need to learn to build and exercise the new resiliency muscle and embed sustainability by design into our end-to-end supply networks.”

Unfortunately, Luthra says, the disruptions have not turned out to be a “one-off thing”.

“In fact, in many cases they are ongoing. It is more accurate to say what we are experiencing now is the ‘new normal’. If anything, we expect to see more disruption in future,” says Luthra.

“The turmoil and volatility of recent years has put many supply chain networks under threat. Through the COVID-19 pandemic we learned first-hand the impact of unexpected events and how interdependent each part of the supply chain is on every other part.

“Now we are also experiencing the uncertain geopolitical situation in Europe, and we are facing very real threats from climate change. Energy and food supplies have been under pressure in certain regions.”

In Australia, we are experiencing a labour shortage in many industries which is threatening supply chains, says Luthra.

“Locally, we have also faced frequent turmoil from natural disasters such as bushfires and floods. All these events have the potential to destabilise our supply chains and trigger flow-on impacts for the economy and our communities.

“But it is also possible to view these threats as an opportunity, if we choose to respond to them in a way that is constructive.

“We have the chance to re-imagine the supply chains of the world. We can design them with responsibility embedded. Make them shorter, smarter and more sustainable. And, importantly, reinforce them with technology that makes them more efficient and resilient at the same time.”

Australia’s biggest data analytics conference is back on 11 October. Sign up for the Melbourne Business Analytics Conference here. Discover how the Centre for Business Analytics is transforming decision making through analytics here.

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