
Wage Slave

November 2020

It would be wrong to think Trump's politics have no supporters in Australia.

Fake vegans and the Trump split of 2020

As a recent tofu burger battle attests, business and those tasked with managing should tread carefully through the wreckage of post-Trump society.

September 2020

Reed Hastings, the co-founder of Netflix, gave us the word "sunshining".

If Netflix is an employer of choice, we have it all wrong

The streaming giant's co-founder, Reed Hastings, should spend more time on his tax return and less on distorting the English language.

August 2020

Yoga is a practice of listening to your body.

Shotguns and CO2: how Andrew Bolt was right all along

Nose breathing has become the new mindfulness, so tape up your mouth and get more carbon dioxide into your life.

July 2020

Illustration: Simon Letch

Super-spreaders infecting us with pandemic speak

Thankfully, director-of-everything David Gonski shared an authentic lockdown experience from the pointy end of the 1 per cent.

May 2020

One person per square in an elevator at the Beijing headquarters of

Why Nine execs may regret giving themselves the top floor

Nine Entertainment Group's brand new building will bring its disparate media assets together for the first time - just in time for the new world of COVID-19-safe offices.


March 2020

ASIO boss Mike Burgess.

What I learnt sharing a drink with ASIO

Australia's spooks could teach our business leaders a thing or two about addressing controversial topics.

February 2020

Beijing's Forbidden City has been closed to tourists because the air quality is so bad.

What Morrison should learn from China's bad air days

Poor air quality was the catalyst for climate action in China, a trend the Morrison government should be wary of.

November 2019

ACSI says that more than half the bosses of ASX-100 companies received “at least 70 per cent of their maximum entitlement”.

The age of accountability has arrived ... except in Canberra

Why are we paying all those private school fees if Australia is suddenly a meritocracy?

October 2019

The trees will outsmart humans in the end.

The one book you should read this summer

It's not fair dinkum fiction, but The Overstory, by Richard Powers, has plenty of lessons for us wage slaves.

Wage Slave's dentist says he's seeing a lot more patients plagued by anxiety.

Why your dentist is worried about the world

From the gig economy to climate anxiety, the stress of modern life is showing up in our teeth.

September 2019

Jason Wood, assistant minister for customs, community safety and multiculturalism, released the new guidleines.

Directors put on notice on slavery

Companies will be required to sign off on statements to confirm they don't have slave labour in their global supply chains, under final business guidance published by the Morrison government

As thoughts turn to summer holidays, remember that there's an art to taking a break.

How to perfect the art of holidaying well

To plan the ideal break, ditch the list of worthy books and embrace an element of risk.

July 2019

Alexander Downer on his phone during  Question Time when he was in Parliament.

Australia's comically modern addiction

Forget pills and booze – Australians are addicted to their phones, spending nearly 2½ hours a day staring at their screens.

July 2019

Lumachain CEO Jamila Gordon says her experience in big corporate IT is helping as she establishes her ambitious blockchain start-up.

Ex-Qantas exec tackles food slavery with blockchain

Jamila Gordon was forced to work from the age of five, before becoming a top tech executive, her start-up has now raised capital from the CSIRO's VC fund.

Email has reached the stage where people’s first instinct is to ignore it.

Let's face it, email has had its day

Unlike electronic mail, committing something to paper and spending $1 on a stamp suggests the contents might actually be worth reading.


June 2019

Australia's per capita consumption of Champagne is the highest outside Europe.

How did Australians become so rich and unhappy?

We're more wealthy than the Swiss and a champagne-drinking superpower. So why the long face, Australia?

May 2019

A medical exam is just one of the safety checks before an overseas assignment.

Why corporate travel is still a risky business

How can you enforce a safety policy for a country where red lights are still optional and smoking during meals is almost encouraged?

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