
Victoria Police conduct

This Month

Premier Jacinta Allan with Attorney-General Sonya Kilkenny and Police Minister Anthony Carbines.

Allan denies she colluded to oust Victoria’s top cops

Victoria’s former deputy police chief lodged a complaint with the state anti-corruption body that the premier plotted to remove him and his boss last month.

July 2024

Former Minister Linda Reynolds arrives at the Perth Supreme Court for a mediation session with Brittany Higgins, flanked by husband Robert Reid (left) and lawyer Martin Bennett.

Liberals still want vindication on Brittany Higgins saga

Suggestions we need to understand how the Higgins allegations affected the last election are telling. But satisfaction is unlikely.

April 2024

Business braces for more disruption from Gaza protests

Arrests have been made as train stations, ports and parts of Australia’s biggest cities are blockaded by widespread protests against the war in Gaza.

March 2024

Dunkley sets up Labor’s 2025 win

While the Liberals look down rabbit holes like crime and refugees, Labor plans to claim vindication on economic policy.

July 2023

It’s debatable whether the solution proposed by the royal commissioner, Catherine Holmes is the right one.

Not all royal commissions are equal

The media are a lot more interested in scandals like robo-debt under a Coalition government than in Lawyer X under a Labor government in Victoria.

November 2022

Voting in Victoria has its hazards.

State security: How to cast a safe vote in lockdown land

Just don’t call 000 for an ambulance in Victoria. There aren’t any.

October 2020

Did the Victorian approach of zealous policing of regulations work?

'Worse than Russia': Victoria urged to wind back COVID-19 fines

Economist Saul Eslake says Victoria's coronavirus fine regime is worse than Russia and should be wound back.

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