
Transforming healthcare

February 2023

The CEO of the Digital Health Co-operative Research centre Annette Schmiede has called for an end to the culture of fear that is stopping sharing of health data.

‘Culture of fear’ keeps health data locked away

The lack of clear national rules to enable the sharing of data from across the health sector is stymying research efforts, an expert says.

  • Tom Burton

May 2017

Change needed to remedy public hospitals

Government policy changes are needed to facilitate greater choice for public hospital patients.

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  • Jennifer Foreshew
MUCHE director Henry Cutler: Theoretically there is choice in the system but it does not always work in practical terms.

Patients vote for choice

Consumers want more choice over their public hospital care when undergoing elective surgery.

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  • Mike Gee

Path to a better system

Patients are living longer and receiving better care as a result of significant changes overseas.

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  • Mike Gee

Doctors searching for more optimal results

The system needs to be more built around consumer need.

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  • Jennifer Foreshew

Banking on innovation in healthcare

The innovation agenda is particularly relevant to the health sector.

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  • Sam Bowen

Open standards create opportunities

Standardised information offers a great opportunity for healthcare businesses.

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  • Paul Wallbank

Technology delivers a healthy future

We are ultimately going to live longer as technological advancement impacts on healthcare.

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  • Mike Gee

Wearables and artificial intelligence define future

The Internet of Medical Things presents a range of new opportunities for medical businesses and entrepreneurs.

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  • Paul Wallbank

April 2017

Giving the industry a clean bill of health

Delegates at a recent Healthcare discussed how technology can improve patient-centric care.

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  • Mark Stevens

Analytics a key in dispensing change

MedicalDirector platforms facilitate over 70 million patient consultations a year.

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  • Lydia Maguire

Better technology means better patient experience

Customers have an ever-growing sense of expectation from service providers.

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  • James Sherbon
Julie Hunter, managing director for Health, Education and Government at the Commonwealth Bank, "What we are seeing is a massive investment in healthcare.''

Tweaking the system to deliver good health

In the USA, entrepreneurs are finding fertile ground for new services.

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  • James Sherbon

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