March 2020
Supply chain efficiencies set to reap economic rewards
In an increasingly interconnected world, maintaining the efficiency of global supply chains
by Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Australian funds step up for global infrastructure boom
Local investment entities, led by the nation’s super funds, are looking offshore for opportunities
by Commonwealth Bank of Australia
January 2020
Making sport compulsory at school could be next step
The news that the Victoria Opposition would introduce compulsory competitive sport into state schools if elected, has reignited a debate about not only the benefit of sport in schools, but what kind of sport.
Understanding how your child learns
Children learn in different ways. What works for one, may not work for others. What we do know is that learning results from the various interactions and experiences we are exposed to.
Challenges for STEM education not yet met
The world is one of fast-changing technologies, shifting job descriptions and new industries arising overnight that should be good for STEM students but challenges persist.
Early years of primary importance
Parental engagement and support is vital throughout a child's education, but never more so than in the early primary years.
Mental wellbeing: Building resilience to cope with the stresses of youth
As if the pressure of exams, assignments, marks and scores is not enough pressure on teenagers, try adding to that a mental illness or even a stress condition that impairs performance.
Class with no bell: Re-thinking education to teach kids initiative and team work
There are not many workplaces or institutions where employees sit in lines facing the blackboard or are called to their desk by an electronic bell sounding at regular intervals.
Getting kids to school still the key
While parents pore over school rankings, coaching services and NAPLAN scores to find the best education for their child, the best results could start with the parents themselves.
Payments emerge as growth area in fintech
Payments and financial advice are a key area of focus for fintechs, and aligned fields such as insurance and regulation are now emerging.
Regulatory reforms to help fintech compete with established financial services
Regulatory reforms are taking place here and overseas that will assist in levelling the playing field for fintechs looking to compete with established financial services businesses.
Fintech growth: Local sector to deliver $4 billion by 2020, research says
Fintechs, start-ups that use technology to build early-stage financial services sector businesses, are becoming some of the most exciting new ventures in the country.
Local and overseas investors moving into the sector
Investors of all shapes and sizes are seeking a piece of the local fintech pie. Banks and offshore and local venture capital and investment businesses are increasingly looking to take equity positions.
December 2019
CRCs providing real boost to small businesses
Along with the Co-operative Research Centre, the Government's Industry Growth Centres also provide direct investment to the nation's small to medium enterprise sector.
Turning to labs to boost innovation
Australia has risen a few places on the most recent Global Innovation Index released last month but we still rank sixth in the region with Singapore.
Cashless economy may be coming, but it's not here yet
Over the last few years, thousands of Swedes have had a biometric microchip implanted into their hands so they do not have to carry keycards, IDs or even train tickets.
Business R&D spend must increase to cut technology gap
Australia is around 50 per cent behind the United States and the United Kingdom when it comes to automation and artificial intelligence.
November 2019
Calls for a broader range of ETF products to meet needs
New exchange-traded investment products hit the market all the time – 10 new ETFs were launched in the first half of this year alone.
Global technology giants powering along
Many investors are looking abroad at ETFs that give them exposure to the great global tech stocks to achieve the required allocation to that sector.
ESG products luring investors
When it comes to ESG investing, experts say the governance component is becoming increasingly important - especially aspects such as corporate culture.