

Meet the workplace vibers powered by AI

You’ve met them: colleagues who present flawlessly articulated ideas they can’t defend or outline complex topics with confidence until challenged. But what of true expertise?

Phil is a mid-level marketing manager who has become his team’s “content wizard”. Phil’s presentations are flawless, his copy compelling and his ideas seemingly endless. Everyone marvels at his productivity, unaware that Phil hasn’t written an original sentence in months. Instead, he feeds prompts to an artificial intelligence platform, takes the output that “feels right”, makes minor tweaks, and voila.

You’ve met them. Colleagues who present flawlessly articulated ideas they can’t defend. People who present complex topics with confidence until challenged. Executives who respond with vague platitudes when questioned about the deeper strategy behind their choices.

Sandra Peter is director of Sydney Executive Plus and associate professor at the University of Sydney Business School.
Kai Riemer is Professor of Information Technology and Organisation and Director of Sydney Executive Plus at the University of Sydney Business School.

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