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Evolving endpoint security for a hybrid working future

The explosion in working from home has helped Australia to manage the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic and introduced more family-friendly options for many workers, but it has also increased organisations’ vulnerability to cyber attacks.

As employees set up home offices, often using their own laptops, tablets and printers, they have exposed their organisations to the risk of cyber breaches via these endpoints.

Working from home has opened up the cyber threat landscape. Getty.

Endpoints are defined as the devices that employees in an organisation use for ordinary business needs, such as desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones and tablets, and printers, all of which are linked to company networks, data and email.

For instance, the server that is running a company’s email isn’t the endpoint, but those desktops and laptops which are connected to it are.

These endpoints introduce a security vulnerability to an organisation, not so much because of the hardware itself, but more because of the human factor, says Shaanan Cohney, a senior lecturer in cyber security at the University of Melbourne.


Many of the threats are those which have been prevalent for several years, such as phishing, where an employee is sent an email that tricks them into clicking on a link containing malware or to reveal their log-in details. A more recently emerged threat is social engineering – also known as spear phishing – where a hacker does some research and then sends a legitimate looking email that appears to be from a colleague or work contact.

The human factor is often the weakest link in cyber attacks. Getty.

“Phishing and malicious emails may seem like a well-known issue but they actually cause one of the largest sources of organisational compromise,” Cohney says. “It seems trivial to tell people not to click on suspicious links or open strange attachments, but it still happens routinely.”

Endpoint hacking brings particular risks, because even if the endpoint device doesn’t have much of value on it, hackers can use to gain access to the wider network.

But endpoint security presents a particular challenge because in the past companies would treat anyone who was on the network as trusted and then set up a “firewall” to prevent outsiders from gaining access.

The rise in working from home during the pandemic has increased the endpoint security risk.

“When you’re all in one building, the people managing the firewall may be able to somewhat reasonably make the assumption that network traffic coming from inside the building is to be trusted and network traffic coming from outside is not to be trusted,” says Cohney.

“When suddenly everyone’s all over the place, that assumption falls down and many businesses aren’t set up to handle that.”

Additionally, many companies were unprepared with infrastructure for remote working. Either laptops weren’t properly secured for remote working or staff were using their own devices, which have none of the monitoring, patching and security features which workplace IT equipment should.

The surge in remote working is a direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, but looks set to endure once the pandemic has passed. A recent survey by PwC found that the ideal work environment for 74 per cent of Australians is a mix of remote and in-person working, while 16 per cent said they would prefer a wholly virtual place where they can contribute from any location.

An extreme fix to this problem would be the technological equivalent of lockdown, where access is restricted, layers of authentication are added in an uncoordinated way, and device usage is constrained by optimistic policies.

But as HP Wolf Security points out in its recent report Blurred Lines and Blindspots, this approach quickly causes problems, hurting employee productivity and reinforcing the idea that security gets in the way.

Instead, HP advocates applying “Zero Trust” principles.

“Built on the principles of Zero Trust, which states that nothing should be trusted implicitly, access to resources should be assessed based on context – e.g., user, device, location, and security posture,” the report states.

“A more distributed, digital world doesn’t have to mean a more vulnerable world. As the cyber world constantly evolves, so must cybersecurity.”

The good news is that IT professional are aware of the dangers of cyber attacks on endpoint devices.

A survey commissioned for the HP report reveals that 91 per cent of IT decision makers believe endpoint security has become as important as network security, while the same say they spend more time on endpoint security now than they did two years ago.

They are also seeing increased risks. Some 54 per cent say they have seen evidence of a higher number of phishing attacks in the last year, while 45 per cent say they have seen evidence of compromised printers being used as an attack point in the past year.

Some organisations are already moving to upgrade their endpoint security.

The University of Melbourne said last month it will deploy endpoint detection and response technology across its IT environment this year, while law firm MinterEllison said last year it is refocusing its IT security effort and investment on endpoint protection on the expectation that remote work in its current form could persist for up to two more years.

HP Wolf Security is HP’s newly integrated portfolio of secure by design PCs and printers, hardware-enforced endpoint security software, and endpoint security services. Rooted in Zero Trust principles, HP Wolf Security provides defence-in-depth and enhanced protection, privacy, and threat intelligence, gathering data at the endpoint to help protect the business at large. Visit the HP Wolf Security home page to find out more.

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