
Driving the innovation agenda

Key Points

  • Day two of the Australian Financial Review Innovation Summit ends
  • AGL CEO Brett Redman says power storage, like batteries, is the "bow wave" of the energy future
  • Huawei US chief security officer Andy Purdy defends the company's independence from China


That's a wrap!

The final panel for the day has come to a close, bringing the innovation summit to the end of its two day tour de force.

Today we heard on all sorts of topics, from board diversity, to how big companies like Telstra, AGL, SEEK and Cochlear approach innovation.

An illuminating session on entrepreneurship delved into when was the right time for a founder to step down, and how should entrepreneurs balance shareholder value with their desire to change the world.

This afternoon took a look into what a future with robots looks like and what ethical and social questions will have to be confronted when this becomes our reality.

Keep an eye on the AFR website throughout the rest of the day as journalists file their stories from the day's proceedings.

To kick start it, here is James Thomson's Chanticleer column on Telstra CEO Andy Penn's comments today.

Also, check out our blog from yesterday here to catch up on what went down on Monday, and have a peruse through the posts below to see what was said today.

Until next time, we're off to the buffet!

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