KPMG Corporate Finance is seeking to lure an Aussie retailer or private equity across the Tasman for fishing and boating goods retailer Burnsco.
Encouraged by a spurt of Australian companies shopping for Kiwi assets in the past year - Ampol/Z Energy, Allegro Funds/Gull, Credit Corp/Collection House NZ, etc – KPMG’s scouting for Australian buyers keen to add a meaty NZ retailer to their portfolio.
Jessica Sier is the North Asia Correspondent for The Australian Financial Review. She is based in Tokyo, Japan. Jessica has previously written on technology, global capital markets and economics. Connect with Jessica on Twitter. Email Jessica at
Sarah Thompson has co-edited Street Talk since 2009, specialising in private equity, investment banking, M&A and equity capital markets stories. Prior to that, she spent 10 years in London as a markets and M&A reporter at Bloomberg and Dow Jones. Email Sarah at
Anthony Macdonald is a Chanticleer columnist. He is a former Street Talk co-editor and has 10 years' experience as a business journalist and worked at PwC, auditing and advising financial services companies. Connect with Anthony on Twitter. Email Anthony at