
Government reaches legal settlements over Dyson Heydon claims

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Government reaches legal settlements over Dyson Heydon claims

The federal government has reached legal settlements with three former associates of High Court judge Dyson Heydon, Attorney-General Michaelia Cash has announced.

The claims related to sexual harassment and were part of six claims investigated by former inspector-general of intelligence Vivienne Thom.

“The investigation found that the Hon Dyson Heydon AC, QC, who served on the High Court until 2013, had sexually harassed all six complainants,” Cash said in a statement.

“Recently, the Commonwealth has engaged in good-faith discussions with three of the associates, Chelsea Tabart, Alexandra Eggerking and Rachael Collins.

“This statement is made with the permission of Ms Tabart, Ms Eggerking and Ms Collins.

Their claims against the Commonwealth have now been resolved. The Commonwealth has taken these claims very seriously. The settlements we have reached are consistent with that.”

Cash apologised on behalf of the government.

“We recognise Ms Tabart’s, Ms Eggerking’s and Ms Collins’ bravery at coming forward and telling their stories to Dr Thom, the High Court and other Australians. These women have told us about what they have been through during, and since, their times as Associates of the High Court and the serious impacts on their lives.

“We have listened to them, and we apologise.”

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