

Nick Dyrenfurth

Extend, don’t change the date of Australia Day

There is a way to recognise our Indigenous heritage, British foundations and immigrant history by marking them over two days – the 25th and 26th of January.

Eighty-two years ago, Labor prime minister John Curtin broadcast an Australia Day address across the nation, and over a network of US radio stations and the BBC.

Curtin said: “Australia is the oldest continent with the youngest civilisation in the world. It is a land under the grim shadow of war. This Australia is the bulwark of civilisation south of the equator. It is the rampart of freedom against barbarism … today is our national day. The purity of our purpose, the idealism of our struggle … give to our cause not only the momentum to victory, but we feel confident, an irresistible attraction for free people everywhere.”

Nick Dyrenfurth is the executive director of the John Curtin Research Centre.

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