With core inflation at multi-decade highs in many developed markets around the world and geopolitical issues continuing to put pressure on the global economy, investors are being cautioned to prepare for a rough ride in 2023.
After almost two decades of constant growth and low interest rates, the world has changed appreciably over the last twelve months and a chill wind is ripping through markets.
The economic environment is rapidly evolving as it responds to political and inflationary pressures. iStock
Adding to the uncertainty are central banks who in their attempts to tame inflation are using the bluntest instrument they have at their disposal – they’ve been ratcheting up interest rates and have indicated this may continue.
Commenting on rising interest rates, European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde said at the World Economic Forum (January 19), “We shall stay the course until… we can return inflation to 2 per cent in a timely manner.” These comments have been echoed by the US Federal Reserve as well as the Reserve Bank here in Australia.
The BlackRock Investment Institute’s 2023 Global Outlook suggests we are entering a new era where the status quo of the recent past no longer applies and the key for investors is to think more strategically when they construct their portfolios.
Taking all this into account, Head of Wealth for BlackRock Australasia, Chantal Giles says investors still need to continue to take a long-term view, and build portfolios diversified across multiple asset classes (such as equities and bonds).
Furthermore, she says that along with return and risk, which are the usual factors investors are solving for when building multi-asset portfolios, ESG characteristics are an additional factor being considered by investors.
Either because investors are more conscious about who they are investing in to, but also recognising that the transition to Net Zero is playing out now.
BlackRock’s own iShares Balanced Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Exchange Traded Fund (ASX :IBAL) and iShares High Growth ESG ETF (ASX:IGRO) are selecting underlying funds with consideration to their sustainability credentials such as ESG screens, because “we believe that companies that are better positioned and thinking about net zero over the long term will out-perform their non-prepared peers”.
She says the iShares suite, launched in partnership with nabtrade, an affordable, holistic investment option for investors looking to build a broadly diversified portfolio in one simple trade.
NAB’s Executive – Investment Platforms at NAB Private Wealth, Adrian Hanley, says that NAB clients are keen on ensuring their portfolios are well diversified especially as we move into a more challenging environment in 2023.
“To date, the Australian economy has remained very resilient despite high inflation and a rapid increase in interest rates. However, there are some very early signs of a slowing across the labour market, business activity and consumer consumption,” Hanley says.
Hanley says over the past two years NAB clients have shown a deep interest in investments with a sustainability focus and are searching for more information about ESG investing and how this might fit into an investment strategy.
“This feedback was really the catalyst for working with BlackRock more closely which resulted in NAB forming a strategic partnership,” says Hanley.
The products of this partnership are iShares’ new ETFs, developed to help better meet the needs of NAB’s retail and high net worth investors.
According to Hanley, nabtrade’s goal is to help make “Australians better investors” especially during tougher times.
What does that mean?
“We focus on insights, meaningful content and education that enables our clients to make better investment decisions.
Financial education can help Australians make smarter investment decisions in a challenging economy. iStock
“Diversification is an important lesson to learn and as such, we see our clients taking more positions in diversified, multi-asset portfolios as opposed to taking a narrower position in a single stock or a specific thematic investment,” Hanley says.
“We think this is a good thing.”
iShares Lead ETF Strategist, Tamara Stats agrees a diversified portfolio typically works out better for longer term investors.
She notes that whilst markets were challenging for investors in 2022 with both stocks and bonds suffering negative returns, the long-term case for asset class diversification still holds. Given the volatility and uncertainty in markets is set to persist, the importance of diversification should remain front of mind.
As for which of BlackRock’s multi-asset portfolio ETFs to choose, Stats says what’s right for a particular investor comes down to an individual’s risk appetite.
Moreover, it depends on what stage an individual is at in their investment journey. For example, an investor closer to retirement might want to take less risk as they look to preserve value, whereas a younger investor may have a larger appetite for risk as they look longer-term.
“Every investor has a different risk profile and while our growth-style portfolio will typically have a larger volatility and higher potential expected return, we believe long-term the diversification of the multi-asset fund helps investors ride out the bumps,” Stats says.
Giles agrees BlackRock’s multi-asset team’s 30-year track record of building out diversified portfolios does help in understanding how best to smooth out the bumps and that is reflected in BlackRock’s “top quartile performance over many time horizons”.
She says BlackRock’s multi-asset ETFs have been built for people starting their investing journey as well as more mature investors.
And the beauty of ETFs is they are not only low cost, but they are very well diversified across multiple asset classes, with BlackRock managing the allocation between the different asset classes.
“You’re buying a managed solution with diversification across multiple asset classes. Accessible via an ETF, that democratises access to all investors,” Giles says.