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Connected economies drive a smarter future

Mark Eggleton

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“We are unquestionably living in a revolution,” says data scientist and founder of Hypercube Scientific, Dr Tom Hanna.

Revolutions come with change and new ways of doing things. The current revolution is digital in nature and presents new ways of doing business enabled through connectivity.

In a connected business model, every individual’s interaction shapes their own user experience and more widely, every individual’s actions shape the network as well.

Smart networks

Healthcare is one of the industries to benefit from ongoing innovation in smart networks. iStock / metamorworks

According to Hanna, these “Smart networks” are driving the revolution because every business is concerned with the individual more than ever, “whether it's a large institution like the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, or whether it's your corner café”.

“Everyone can have a handle on each individual customer and what they're doing. And on the flip side, everyone's got a handle on the bigger network. So, all businesses have to understand where they are fitting into the broader economy and broader business activities,” Hanna says.


“Everyone's got to see the forest as well as the trees. There's no isolation.”

He says all this is possible because of the volume of data available and the tools we have to analyse data.

An inaugural John Monash Scholarship recipient in 2004, Dr Hanna works to shape data-driven cultures within organisations. He believes data is helping us to create completely new business models because the economy is getting more “interconnected and no one's isolated so anyone can have a go”.

Clare Morgan is the Managing Director of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s Smart networks ecosystem. She agrees businesses are more connected than ever before.

Clare Morgan

Clare Morgan, Managing Director CBA Smart networks ecosystem 

This interconnectedness lies at the heart of CBA’s ecosystem approach to institutional banking and markets clients “and is helping us to work on new opportunities for clients”. For example, the ecosystem approach acknowledges how traditional industry boundaries have been transformed or even blurred in the digital economy. This interdependency between businesses is taken into account in the ecosystem structure.

Morgan is based in CBA’s Institutional Banking and Markets business and leads the Smart networks ecosystem focusing on seemingly disparate sectors such as technology, health, telecommunications, education, media and entertainment. Yet she says there are common threads across all of these sectors. “All of these sectors are seeing an exponential growth in data, innovation at scale, a drive for efficiency and changing consumer preferences,” she says.

“Traditionally, banks have set up separate health banking teams and technology banking teams, and those teams would have thought of themselves and the clients that they were serving as quite distinct.”

“What we’ve discovered is there is more in common across these sectors than previously thought.”

For example, changing consumer preferences affect a healthcare company and a telco operator in lots of similar ways as well as in some distinct ways whether it be through smartphone usage, creating a healthcare app or around privacy and cyber security. You are connecting different industries to enhance the customer experience.

Moreover, those changing consumer preferences are being driven by better data analytics and connectivity which are the fulcrum of the digital economy. So how does a bank like CBA insert itself into Australia’s changing economy?

CBA works to intimately understand trends driving the nation’s economy and how they interconnect. Morgan says the opportunities presented by a connected data-driven economy are boundless and CBA is already working closely with Australian organisations to bring these to fruition. For example, supporting investment in 5G technology and spectrum to drive digitisation of Australia across multiple sectors.

She says the ecosystems approach is changing the dynamics of client relationships. “In the past, the conversation used to be around financial services with the key questions being how are you going to finance that or let’s analyse how we can help you with cash flows.

“The conversation now revolves around a much broader organisational strategic agenda. What problems are you trying to solve? How are you thinking about the change in your industry? Here’s what we’re seeing….”

As for sectors where CBA’s Smart networks ecosystem is already seeing results, Morgan cites healthcare where “we are working on a health claiming solution that combines booking, reviews and payments capabilities. We are also working on a blockchain solution for the National Disability Insurance Scheme called Making Money Smart that attaches conditions to programmable money,” she says.

Beyond healthcare, Hanna says Australia probably already has some innate advantages in a number of industry sectors outside the Smart networks ecosystem where networks are already well-developed such as in mining and agriculture.

He has spent much of his career working with resources companies and says in the mining sector there has been remarkable innovation happening based on connectivity and responding in real time to what each part of the network is doing.

For example, if a ship's steaming towards Port Hedland and its cargo won't be ready on time, the mining company can get a message to the crew saying they can slow down which saves a vast amount of fuel for a ship.

“Alternatively, trucks being dispatched around a mine site where one of the many advantages of driverless trucks is the speed with which you can change instructions. You click on a screen and everything happens in real time. The savings are enormous,” Hanna says.

Hanna does warn that while better data analysis is driving the economy forward, “there are certainly things that shouldn't be done with data, although there are things that shouldn't be done with every technology so I don't see data as unusual in that sense.”

He says we still need to discuss how much we should regulate data collection because we are still playing catch-up with technology which is making the transition to a more connected world a little “messy”.

Morgan agrees there is certainly a “creepy line” and all of this data can be used for good and for bad.

“When media and entertainment companies for example, use your data to generate targeted offers for you that might be a good. But when a company breaches data security and privacy obligations, that is bad for the entire system.

“The interesting thing on this is just how do you make sure all of that data is being used for good, or at least for neutral purposes? It is a very complex problem and figuring out a data rights regime certainly is a critical piece of the puzzle.”

While there are pitfalls, Morgan says CBA’s clients typically see data as a way to improve their businesses.

“They see it as a win-win because not only does it help the business improve its efficiency, profitability and productivity, but it improves their customer’s experiences as well. There's more transparency and more information and more connection both inside and outside the organisation.”

For Hanna, this interconnectedness is the key to Smart networks because you’re giving customers an experience.

“You’re taking something that used to be seven or eight mundane activities, or painful activities, and just made them one connected experience. This is what I see happening with smartphones - everyone's in customer experience now, there are customer experience people in banks, customer experience people in hospitals and so on."

With a huge focus on customer experiences in an interconnected economy, big companies need to watch out for other companies doing something better not only in their own industry sector but outside their traditional competitor base as well. That’s where the ecosystem approach really works.

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