November 2024
Defence considers recruiting from PNG to see off China’s influence
In the jockeying for influence, the South Pacific’s largest nation has emerged as a key target given its proximity to Australia and rich natural resources.
June 2024
Tomahawk missiles plan for Collins-class submarines misfires
Australia’s ageing submarine fleet won’t be fitted with strike missiles following advice that modifying the boats would not be value for money.
Labor scrambles to end confusion on foreign military recruits
The government has scrambled to clarify that foreigners eligible to join the Defence Force will be limited to just a few countries.
Fuel issue fixed after flight chaos but delays remain
Chaos has erupted at Perth Airport as more than a dozen flights have been cancelled due to a significant fuel supply issue plaguing the site.
March 2024
The shrinking small business ombudsman
While politely ignoring Bruce Billson, the government is handing Craig Emerson more appointments than a bulk-billing doctor.
January 2024
Slim pickings for navy as it struggles to recruit
The navy has lost 500 sailors in two years, with one analyst saying it is mostly because “the navy is not doing things people join the navy to do”.
December 2023
Leaders give their Christmas messages of thanks
Anthony Albanese has wished all Australians a Merry Christmas while paying tribute to those who are giving up their day to help others.
April 2023
‘Remembrance, reflection, gratitude’: Australians pause for Anzac Day
Australians have taken time out to commemorate the 108th anniversary of the World War I Gallipoli landings.
February 2023
Nationalisation of energy assets would ‘spook investors’
Australia’s peak body for green energy investors and producers has warned the NSW government against following a Victorian decision to put more energy assets in public hands
August 2022
Veterans suicide report exposes department failings
A scathing assessment of an uncaring culture and inadequate support services in defence and veterans affairs has prompted a call for urgent changes to reduce high levels of suicide.