
Alberto Calderon


AngloGold Ashanti’s CEO Alberto Calderon is a big believer in gold.

South Africa open to deals – it’s all in the approach

South Africa’s government will do deals, like the ones BHP would need to acquire Anglo American, but they need to be done discreetly.

  • Anthony Macdonald

February 2023


This board director was so successful, BHP wouldn’t let him step down

Orica chairman and former BHP board stalwart Malcolm Broomhead is a straight talker, who knows the truth is rarely simple when it comes to climate and carbon.

  • Peter Ker

March 2022

Australia urged to follow US push into scope 3 disclosures

Big Australian companies are likely to be affected by proposed US rules that would require enhanced reporting of carbon emissions, including those of customers.

  • Peter Ker and Jacob Greber

July 2021

AngloGold Ashanti’s new CEO Alberto Calderon is a big believer in gold.

Calderon issues warning on central bank stimulus

The global mining executive and former senior official at the Reserve Bank of Colombia says central banks ‘can’t keep printing money at 25 per cent a year forever’.

  • Tony Boyd

November 2020

Orica chief executive Alberto Calderon is one of those rare leaders willing to stick his neck out for a better technology platform.

How to avoid a technology disaster

Spending $350 million on a new operating system is gutsy, given the history of major IT projects blowing up. But Orica's Alberton Calderon has done this three times.

  • Tony Boyd

May 2020


Brazil’s COVID pain helps Team Australia

Brazil's troubles with coronavirus will further add to the resilience of the iron ore price. 

  • James Thomson

February 2020

Alberto Calderon says he's got a Ferrari of a factory - that was being run like a small Ford.

How Orica snared a Ferrari of a factory

Alberto Calderon's two-year plan to buy a high-tech factory in a tiny Peruvian town has come to fruition. 

  • James Thomson

December 2019

If earwax blockage becomes a problem, you or your doctor can take simple steps to remove the wax safely. (Dreamstime/TNS) CREDIT: TRIBUNE Generic pic of an ear female ear Listening skills

How CEOs (and the rest of us) can listen properly

We all know how hard it is to listen amid the distraction of modern life. Even CEOs feel this pain. But here's how you get better.

  • James Thomson
CEO Alberto Calderon enjoyed a book on the lead up to World War II.

Teams, AI and Hitler: CEOs reveal their top books of 2019

Lessons from great sports teams, great negotiators and great moments in history thrilled our top business leaders this year.

  • James Thomson and Tony Boyd

November 2019

Orica chief executive Alberto Calderon has 10 months to increase women in the company's senior leadership positions by 3 percentage points.

Orica's Alberto Calderon under gender pressure

Orica has set itself a hard, achievable target but CEO Alberto Calderon has entered a stretch period.

  • Joe Aston
Alberto Calderon is quite happy to be delivering another boring result.

Lack of blow-ups helps Orica go boom

Orica is starting to live up to the promise of chief executive Alberto Calderon and delivering predictable results, with a strong accent on technology.

  • James Thomson

October 2019

The the growing community of disenfranchised youth in  PNG looms a risk to operating stability warns Oil Search chief executive Peter Botten

PNG and the risk of the youth bulge

CEO says failing to deal with the disenfranchised of PNG's Highlands communities will expose Oil Search to challenging community instability.

  • Matthew Stevens

September 2019

Alan Joyce

Gen X CEOs are different to what you would expect

The stereotype of white, private school-educated lawyers and accountants running corporate Australia isn't accurate.

  • Aaron Patrick

July 2019

The blancmange has turned as new faces, new ideas and new technology reshape Orica

Orica harvests Calderon's technology hunch

Making money from blowing things up is no longer the simple, dangerous business it used to be

  • Matthew Stevens

May 2019

The blancmange has turned as new faces, new ideas and new technology reshape Orica

Orica interim marks Calderon's era of reform

This time the blancmange may not bounce back as new ideas, new management and new technology see Australia's prince of mining services near its potential.

  • Matthew Stevens
Orica chief Alberto Calderon says conditions are improving in the global explosives market.

Orica delivers profit jumps on solid mining demand

Firming prices, solid demand and better manufacturing reliability have underpinned a big jump in Orica's underlying earnings.

  • James Thomson

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