
A guide to hurkle-durkling, Scotland’s proud tradition of lazing in bed

A guide to hurkle-durkling, Scotland’s proud tradition of lazing in bed

If you love to lounge about and catch up on rest on holiday, this morning habit is for you.

Hurkle-durkling means staying in bed past the time you’re supposed to be up.  Getty Images

On holiday, you might suppress the urge to seize the day. Instead, you sink deeper into the sheets, disappearing under the duvet like the moon behind a cloud. By all appearances, you are doing nothing. But, quite the opposite: You are hurkle-durkling.

Hurkle-durkling is not a cutesy term generated by artificial intelligence or the travel PR machine. It’s a 19th-century Scottish word that the Dictionaries of the Scots Language defines as “to lie in bed or lounge about when one should be up”. The practice is experiencing a resurgence: a calming antidote to the frenzy of travel, a finger to the lips – shhh – to the clamour outside your hotel door.


Washington Post

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