
I vowed not to buy new clothes all year. Here’s how it’s going

I vowed not to buy new clothes all year. Here’s how it’s going

Our fashion editor swore off shopping for 12 months. She hasn’t been perfect, but she’s made progress.

Even in the Paris boutiques, a shopping ban makes you more conscious of your clothing needs. Getty Images

In January, literally weighed down by the contents of my own wardrobe, I made a promise: no new clothes for 2024. No caveats, no exceptions. No buying second-hand because “it’s new to me”.

It’s now almost November, and I can proudly say that while I have not resisted the urge to buy entirely, I can count what I’ve purchased on one hand, with a pinky finger left over.


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Lauren Sams
Lauren SamsFashion editorLauren Sams is the fashion editor, based in Sydney. She writes about lifestyle including the arts, entertainment, fashion and travel. Lauren has worked as a features editor and fashion journalist for ELLE, marie claire and more. Email Lauren at

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