
United Overseas Australia Limited

ASX Announcements

Dividend/Distribution - UOS

Dividend Record Date, Dividend Pay Date, Dividend Rate, Dividend Reinvestment Plan

  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 5 pages

Market Sensitive

Half Yearly Report and Accounts

Half Yearly Report, Half Year Audit Review, Half Year Directors' Statement, Half Year Accounts, Half Year Directors' Report, Dividend Record Date, Dividend Pay Date, Dividend Rate

  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 30 pages

Market Sensitive

UOA Development Bhd - Profit Result (2nd Qtr 2024)

Periodic Reports - Other

  • Aug 27, 2024
  • 19 pages

Change of Share Registry Details

Details of Share Registry address

  • Aug 16, 2024
  • 1 page

Notification of Net Transfer Between Exchanges

Issued Capital - Other

  • Jul 31, 2024
  • 1 page

View all UOS announcements


The third consecutive contraction in manufacturing activity showed  there’s still uncertainty about the strength of the recovery.

China factory activity shrinks for third straight month

The official PMI index hit 49.4. The gauge has stayed below the 50-mark separating growth from contraction for all but three months since April 2023.

  • Updated
  • Shinjini Datta and Zhu Lin

April 2023

Residential buildings in Singapore, where the government is making it more expensive for foreigners to buy  property.

Singapore doubles property tax on foreigners to 60pc

The city-state’s real estate sector has remained buoyant even as other countries face slowdowns because of soaring interest rates and inflation.

  • Low De Wei

November 2021

Filipinos have traditionally relied on local sari-sari, or mum-and-dad stores, to load their phones with credit and do other prepaid transactions.

SE Asian fintech fundraising surges after lockdown shopping spree

Consumers have turned to mobile banking and e-commerce during pandemic, fuelling investor interest.

  • John Reed and Mercedes Ruehl

July 2015

Nigel Littlewood on investment lessons from his mum and Rene Rivkin

Nigel Littlewood applies two important lessons from his mother and Rene Rivkin to his small-cap stockpicking.

  • Updated
  • Philip Baker

June 2015

Flight Centre, Invocare, ASX Ltd: Australian stocks with Warren Buffett appeal

The Oracle of Omaha may struggle to find value in big Australian stocks, but if he returns to his roots, he'll find plenty of 'cigar butts'.

  • Updated
  • Jonathan Shapiro

December 2011

Shareholder updates due from Dulux, Elders, Incitec Pivot

Only a handful of company events is scheduled for the week ahead of the Christmas break, with DuluxGroup holding its annual general meeting today.

  • Updated
  • Brendon Lau

December 2005

Malaysian spin-off step closer to reality

Locally listed United Overseas Australia has moved a step closer to spinning off a real estate investment trust that will hold about $110 million of property to be listed on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange.

  • Ben Wilmot

May 2005


$100m for Mirvac fund

  • Ben Wilmot

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