
Gilbert & Tobin


Insignia Financial CEO Scott Hartley.

Brookfield taps Jarden, G+T for Insignia tussle; eyes on Healthscope

Brookfield is said to have tapped trans-Tasman investment bank Jarden and law firm Gilbert + Tobin for its run at the wealth management group.

December 2024

Affinity defeated Pacific Equity Partners and TPG Capital to buy Lumus at the end of September.

Affinity PE closes $515m Lumus Imaging debt deal

GIlbert + Tobin’s banking group head Gail Christopher was on hand to support Affinity with the negotiations.

The country’s biggest law firms are cutting staff for the first time in years, but their mid-tier rivals are still growing.

Top-tier firms are cutting lawyer numbers for the first time in years

The country’s most prominent legal practices have reduced the number of lawyers they employ in the past six months. But their mid-tier rivals are hiring.

Law Partnership Survey

Explore: Law Partnership Survey results for second-half of 2024

The latest results show law firms continue to perform strongly, boosted by big-ticket deals, litigation assignments, and the steady flow of fees from insolvencies and disputes.

KWM’s Renae Lattey, MinterEllison’s Virginia Briggs and HSF’s Kristin Stammer.

It was a boom year for law firms. But signs of a slowdown have emerged

Law firms held their gains in the second half of 2024, but some leaders are wary of rising pressures on price and profit margins.


November 2024

Pro bono laggards rewarded as major law firms cut free hours

Law firms were warned that failure to meet a target for pro bono hours would endanger government assignments, but laggards have been rewarded.

Law firms are increasingly completing investigations themselves, rather than engaging external counsel.

The law firms trawling through corporate scandals

Demand for law firm-led investigations has grown but concerns remain about their independence and probative value.

October 2024

Why the $5m lawyer is no longer a rarity at top Aussie firms

Top law firms are forking out more than $5 million a year to poach or protect big-billing market leaders from rivals, amid intense industry competition.

September 2024

KWM chief executive partner Renae Lattey said the changes were necessary to attract and retain top talent.

KWM changes partner pay to reward the biggest billers

KWM’s top-performing partners will be able to take home a greater share of the firm’s profits, after “moderate” changes to remuneration structure were approved by partners.

August 2024

Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre’s guided dreamtime walk.

ILSC’s Ayers Rock Resort sale expands to the Daintree

The Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation has launched a formal sale process for the operational assets of its subsidiary Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia.

July 2024

Gilbert + Tobin, led by Sam Nickless (left) prefers full-equity partners, while Kristin Stammer’s HSF is promoting lawyers to part-salary positions.

Rapid growth puts pressure on law partnership structures

Almost two-thirds of new legal partners are now on a part-salary arrangement as rapid growth puts pressure on equity allocations.

Herbert Smith Freehills partners Anna Sutherland (left, joint global managing partner for disputes) and Danielle Kelly (global director of culture and inclusion).

More law firms hit gender targets as partnership gap narrows

A record number of law firms now have more than 40 per cent female partnerships, but part-owner gender ratios contrast sharply with the engine room.

June 2024

Energy transition lights a rocket under law firms

Law firms are streaking ahead of the broader economy, adding partners as deals return and the energy transition offers decades of lucrative work.

Ella White and Olivia Burgess

Challenger firms increase pay in fight for top-tier legal talent

Clients, social positions and work-life balance are among the factors in-demand graduates are looking for in a firm – but high rates of pay don’t hurt.

Sandfire’s DeGrussa operations in Western Australia. Indigenous items were disturbed at this site.

Ignorance rather than greed behind Sandfire’s Indigenous blunder

An investigation conducted by Gilbert + Tobin concluded there was a “clear failure” by the copper producer’s former management to understand “ESG obligations”.


May 2024

Olivia Blakiston is a new partner at Gilbert + Tobin.

G+T targets Melbourne, start-ups with new partners

The firm is banking on continued growth in Melbourne corporate activity, and is taking a punt on start-ups and venture capital as a new source of clients.


Law graduates are about to crack a salary record

Top-tier graduates will earn more than $100,000 this year – in Sydney only – but law firms remain tight-lipped on pay rates despite moves towards transparency elsewhere.

The C4 unit at Callide power station in Queensland blew up in May 2021.

Queensland in secret bid to buy stricken coal-fired power plant

It’s three years since Queensland power station Callide C blew up, and the fallout hasn’t stopped. Now, a secret deal for the government to buy a 50 per cent stake is in doubt.

February 2024

How to get a job at a top-tier law firm

Mere legal ability is no longer enough to secure a prized top-tier clerkship. Firms are looking for excellence in all aspects of life. Here’s our guide.

Corrs lags top law firms on gender pay gap

Firms with a higher proportion of women partners tended to have a smaller median pay gap among staff, new data from WGEA shows.

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