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Critical infrastructure under threat from hackers

Christopher Niesche

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The continued rise of internet-connected devices has opened new vulnerabilities in Australia’s critical infrastructure, cyber security experts warn.

According to IT forecaster Gartner, there were already 8.4 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connections in 2017 and there will be over 20 billion by 2020.

Infrastructure including power systems, transport, the internet, air traffic control and railways could all be disrupted or brought to a halt by an IoT hacker.

Australia's physical infrastructure is ripe for hackers. Cole Bennetts

“How would you shut down the rail network? You'd send all the signals red and the train drivers will not cross a red signal,” says Phil Kernick, chief technology officer, and co-founder of CQR, the largest independent information security consultancy in Australia.

“You want to stop Adelaide working, change all the traffic lights to go red and stay red. There simply aren't enough police to go and stand on every corner and manually let traffic through.”


Despite the name IoT, Kernick says many of these devices are actually connected via private networks rather than the public internet, but this does not mean they are not vulnerable.

Kernick says because the IoT devices are on physical infrastructure and often in public places, they can be easy for hackers to gain access to.

“Imagine a system that monitors a gate on a fence somewhere and has a nice little silver box somewhere with some technology in it that's managing the fence or managing the gate,” he says. “Somebody simply drives up in a white van, puts out traffic cones around, puts on a high-vis shirt and goes to town on it.

“The best of these attacks are done in plain sight. These are not movie plots – sneaking in at night.”

In an issues paper titled The Internet of Insecure Things, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute has outlined the risks from the new technology.

“Disrupting utilities that power an entire city could cause more damage than traditional terror tactics and can be done externally and with more anonymity,” the report says.

“Digital weapons are being used intentionally by nation-states to inflict physical destruction or compromise essential services.”

In 2014, a malicious computer worm called Stuxnet was used to sabotage the uranium enrichment facilities in Iran. The virus targeted centrifuges – machines used to isolate isotopes of uranium – and reprogrammed them to spin out of control and disintegrate.

The attack, which is believed to have been carried out by the US and Israel, is considered one of the first instances of a computer worm destroying real-world devices.

In 2015, hackers used stolen user credentials to attack a Ukrainian power grid, which resulted in loss of power for more than 230,000 people.

“This indicates that malicious actors have both the resources and the intent to develop cyberattack capabilities targeted at essential services,” ASPI stated.

Disrupting utilities that power an entire city could cause more damage than traditional terror tactics.

Piers Hogarth-Scott, who leads the IoT consulting practice at KPMG Australia says each of the IoT sensors in the built environment is a potential point of weakness.

However, Hogarth-Scott says it is easy to become paranoid about the threat. He notes that IT and security professionals who work in large corporates and on sensitive infrastructure fully understand the cyber security implications of IoT.

“They’re investing heavily in establishing the processes and systems to manage that and defend that position,” he says.

With IoT technology available to all, smaller companies and start-ups are potentially less likely to be on top of the security aspects of the technology and so might be vulnerable.

The focus on IoT security comes at an important time, because we are at a tipping point where IoT is beginning to be commercialised and deployed at scale, Hogarth-Scott says.

Everything is being connected to the Internet of Things. Jesse Marlow

“The cyber security aspects are absolutely critical, because what's essentially happening around us in the built environment is the mass instrumentation of absolutely everything. The sensors are being attached to everything,” he says.

“The whole environment around us is being instrumented, buildings, roads, lamppost, oceans and by billions of sensors.

“In the future when we have autonomous vehicles, with 5G enabling them to drive 10 centimetres apart from each other at a hundred kilometres an hour down a freeway, that's not the sort of thing that you would like to be compromised through some kind of cyber security issue.”

The Dyn denial of service attack of 2016, which brought down thousands of websites and stopped millions of internet users from connecting to websites, was carried out via IoT devices and demonstrated vulnerabilities in the system. The hackers connected to internet-connected devices including home routers and digital video recorders.

CQR’s Phil Kernick says one issue is existing devices that have been retrofitted with IoT capability, which often does not have such strong security as more modern devices.

“It is almost the Y2K of 2019,” he says, adding the reason why Y2K did not prove to be the disaster many people were anticipating was that the problem was being dealt with, and the owners of these IoT devices are doing the same.

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