

Tabcorp chief executive resigns amid probe into offensive language

Zoe Samios
Zoe SamiosBusiness reporter

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Tabcorp chief executive Adam Rytenskild is leaving the wagering giant after the board launched an investigation into whether he used inappropriate and offensive language.

Mr Rytenskild resigned after the board became aware of the allegations, but said he did not recall making the comments. “It’s not language I would usually use, but I have regrettably agreed to resign. Tabcorp has been an enormous part of my life for many years and I believe in the journey the company is on,” he said.

Zoe Samios covers wagering and the business of sport from the AFR's Sydney newsroom. She was previously the media and telecommunications reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, and covered media at The Australian. Connect with Zoe on Twitter. Email Zoe at

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