NSX chairman Michael Costello has defended the proposed $12 million sale of a controlling stake in the dual-exchange license holder to the New Zealand Stock Exchange following the release of an independent expert's report. This week NSX released an independent expert's report prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers that valued NSX shares at between 7¢ and 8.3¢ - significantly lower than NZSE's 15¢ a share offer. "The seems to me a very, very strong basis for a conclusion which PwC have reached that [the offer] was fair and reasonable for the shareholders," Mr Costello said. Mr Costello and the majority of his board have recommended the offer for a 50.1 per cent stake in NSX amid widespread criticism from shareholders that the offer undervalued the business. The NZSE proposal is conditional on approval from 75 per cent of shareholders. In recent weeks major shareholders, including 14 per cent owner Brian Price and 13 per cent owner Guinness Peat Group, have expressed concern about the merits of the NZSE offer, reservations that may have been reinforced by the 36 per cent surge in NSX's share price since the deal was made public. However, Mr Costello said that the share price performance since the proposed deal was made public suggested that the market favoured the share sale. "This is not a fly-by-night share play, this is a serious long-term investor," he said. "Not only is it a substantial injection of capital into the business, but it brings to the party a very successful international exchange." NZSE faces a more immediate challenge in the form of a shareholder-requisitioned extraordinary meeting for next week which could see the five NSX directors jettisoned and a new board elected. The Federal Court is expected to hand down its decision by this afternoon on whether the extraordinary general meeting, to vote on a resolution to spill the NSX board, should take place on May 27 or May 28. The group of shareholders who originally served the requisition notice claim to have proxies representing almost 50 per cent of the votes.