

Karen Maley

‘Greedy work’ and the gender pay gap

Harvard University economics professor Claudia Goldin who won the Nobel Prize for economics argues that “greedy jobs” make it difficult to close the gender pay gap.

We all know the type. The high-flying investment banker, corporate consultant or law firm partner who can be relied upon to skip family birthday dinners, or to cut short the annual holiday ski trip because of some crisis at work.

It would, of course, be out of the question to suggest these individuals might be called upon to perform more prosaic tasks, such as attending school concerts or parent-teacher interviews, let alone taking the day off to mind a toddler who’s too sick to send to childcare.

Karen Maley writes on banking and finance, specialising in financial services, private equity and investment banking. Karen is based in Sydney. Connect with Karen on Twitter. Email Karen at

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