May 2024
Victoria cannot tax its way to prosperity
Victoria arguably has some of the most complex rules and highest property tax imposts in the country. Will it work?
April 2024
What Victoria’s new commercial property tax means for investors
Victoria is abolishing stamp duty for commercial and industrial properties and replace it with an annual property tax. Now, here’s the fine print.
January 2024
Victorian land vendors face significant risk from new contract laws
Land owners are prohibited from entering into some sale of land contracts with provisions for the purchaser to pay land tax or windfall gains tax. There are significant financial risks for vendors and advisers who unwittingly get it wrong.
September 2023
Businesses will need crystal ball to avoid NSW tax on restructures
Corporate groups including property developers large and small face increased duty risks in NSW from February 1 next year.
August 2023
Double duty risks for property fund capital raisings in Victoria
At a time when there is much focus on the need for new housing, impediments to raising capital for residential developments should be removed.
July 2023
Residents to cop brunt of NSW development sting
A new tax on developments will help the NSW government to maintain a social licence to increase density in infill areas. But it is owners and renters who will wear the cost.
March 2023
Discriminating against foreign investors? NSW, Victoria beg to differ
Foreign investor surcharges are discriminatory taxes with political appeal: they raise additional revenue from buyers who don’t vote. NSW and Victoria have differing approaches, but they can’t both be right.
February 2023
Tax reform crucial to the success of the National Housing Accord
The success of the federal government’s push to build 1-million new homes hinges on full support from the states - and that means confronting tax issues.
Could the new kid on the tax block disrupt real estate?
A corporate collective investment vehicle regime was introduced last year. But will they overtake unit trusts as the preferred investment?
October 2022
Remove GST hurdles to improve affordable housing supply
If there is a real appetite for reform to improve the supply of social and affordable housing there are a few tax issues that could be tackled now.
September 2022
How Queensland’s land tax will affect you (and how much you’ll pay)
In a first for any state, the land tax will be calculated using a formula which takes into account the value of “relevant interstate land”.
August 2022
Getting to grips with Victoria’s windfall gains tax
Victoria’s new slug on the valuation upside from rezoning land kicks in next year. But the coming impost is already affecting new projects in the state.
Duty uncertainty for NSW lease transactions
NSW has introduced new duty laws that will apply to lease transactions, but there are many unresolved questions about how the new rules will work.
June 2022
The implications of NSW’s stamp duty base expansion
New rules for stamp duty in the state will apply to call options, and many common arrangements including commercial leases, agreements for lease, easements and wills.
May 2022
A taxing question: what is a residential premises?
The growing range of accommodation options has sparked debate on where the line is drawn between residential and commercial residential premises.
January 2022
NSW’s proposed property tax is even worse than stamp duty
The devil lies in the detail of the proposed reforms to the state’s stamp duty system.
June 2021
Wind farm dispute: are tenant’s fixtures ‘land’?
Farmers who are considering leasing their land to wind or solar farm operators will have to consider the potential implications of a NSW Supreme Court decision involving Taralaga wind farm.
April 2021
Student accommodation operators need a degree in tax
2020 was a difficult year for operators of purpose-built student accommodation and 2021 is little better, with some seeking relief, such as land tax concessions.
March 2021
Proposed NSW property tax talks unusually secretive
For consultation on such a significant tax reform, which will affect many stakeholders including businesses that lease premises, there has been a very high level of secrecy.
November 2020
Perrottet's property charge is the 'Afterpay' of tax reform
While avoiding upfront duty may be attractive for investors, there are many significant unresolved issues with NSW's proposed property tax.