November 2023
We have abandoned and alienated Australia’s middle-class centre
Forgotten Australians feel very angry. They are starting to build tremendous resentment about the way that they feel estranged from so many conversations.
August 2023
Business has a legitimate stake in the Voice debate
When it comes to the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to parliament, many businesses have strong views, and they have a legitimate say in this debate.
July 2023
Why is Labor attacking the right to work casually for higher pay?
The new test proposed by the government will create less opportunity for millions of Australians who choose which shifts they can work and limit their flexibility to make ends meet.
June 2023
A stunning achievement: WSU’s global No. 1 sustainability ranking
Western Sydney University serves a unique demographic. And that helps explain why it is the best in the world at addressing ESG challenges.
October 2022
IR changes are not going to lift pay
Without urgent amendment, voting in multi-employer deals won’t be fair, democratic, or workable.
August 2022
What a Jobs Summit ‘win’ would look like
If we could reach consensus on the three fundamental priorities, we will have made huge progress towards a more prosperous Australia.
February 2022
More migrants, more women, more productivity to boost the recovery
With fewer workers, things won’t get done. Restored migration, greater female participation and productive investment must be at the heart of the March budget.
October 2021
Business backs bigger 2030 target to put us in decarbonisation box seat
The strong investment message sent by moving faster and harder on emissions would lock in first mover advantages in industries of the future.
March 2021
Australia ignores the regional vaccine vacuum at our peril
Australia’s own recovery will be under threat if COVID-19 spreads unchecked around the Pacific and southeast Asia.
December 2020
IR package is a way forward through the middle ground
We cannot let another opportunity to achieve modest reform that tackles the worst workplace problems slip through our fingers.
July 2020
Remove business investment roadblocks to power recovery
A 20 per cent broad-based tax allowance would help unleash company balance sheets to grow the recovery and jobs.
March 2020
It's time to take the brakes off job creation
Business is doing its best to keep people in jobs. Remove the red tape and regulation that stops them from doing so, writes BCA chief executive Jennifer Westacott.
February 2020
Prosperity depends on keeping trade open and liberal
With global trade under siege, Australia and Canada must champion the value of trade to communities around the world.
December 2019
Unreformed IR system is more standover than sit down
Why shouldn't unions be subject to the same transparency and standards that companies are?
September 2019
Outbreak of peace in Canberra is a massive opportunity
After a decade of business bashing, there is now support on both sides of politics for working with corporate Australia to achieve reforms.