‘You have to be at the top of your game to survive’
London’s legal market is famously competitive, something Adelaide lawyer Eloise Crompton has come to admire.
August 2024
Profit season calendar and results
Here is a list of dates Australian companies are reporting earnings results this month.
July 2024
Why this top lawyer has a nanny
For KWM chief executive partner Renae Lattey, having home help means that she gets time to herself, as well as time to devote to her family and job.
Why you shouldn’t set a deadline if you want to be more resilient
The strongest leaders believe in themselves and don’t try to set timelines for when a difficult period will pass, says Macquarie Technology Group CEO David Tudehope.
BCG’s local boss Grant McCabe on why he has taken up pilates
Boston Consulting Group’s Australian chief, Grant McCabe, says rookie executives should “remove that baggage” about whether they are going to succeed.
June 2024
Why this CEO doesn’t like flying business class
For Who Gives a Crap co-founder and CEO Simon Griffiths, sitting at the front of the plane doesn’t resonate with the company’s brand.
Why this CEO loves celebrity news
UBank chief Philippa Watson keeps a keen eye on her Gen Z employees, the technology they use and the news they consume.
Top CEO reveals the biggest mistakes he ever made
Koda Capital CEO Paul Heath says among the worst errors he has made is failing to realise how difficult change can be for staff.
How this CEO survived two dud product launches
oOh!media chief Cathy O’Connor’s former boss told her the mistakes she made were the best thing that ever happened to her. He was right.
May 2024
What this CEO has learnt about spouting off ideas in meetings
Netwealth CEO Matt Heine is a self-proclaimed “ideas fountain,” but has learnt the trait doesn’t always work in the top job.
Why you don’t have to be ruthless to be successful
Founder of Matchbox Pictures Tony Ayres talks about how to succeed without being ruthless, the value of unsent emails and, for telling stories, the rule of three.
Adam Powick failed to make partner twice. Now he runs Deloitte
The chief executive says when people fail to get a promotion, they are often told they are doing a good job and should continue along the same path. He reckons that advice is “BS”.
How the CEO of Oroton learnt to make the right career choices
Earlier in her career, Oroton CEO Jenny Child was frustrated at McKinsey and scored a job offer elsewhere. But a mentor warned her that the grass would not necessarily be greener. Child stayed at McKinsey, was made partner, moved to Australia and now runs a luxury retailer.
April 2024
What happens when Rio Tinto’s Australian CEO gets cranky
Kellie Parker, Rio Tinto’s Australian boss, discusses what happens when she gets tired, why she likes puzzles and why she continually tracks her emotions.
Star chef Matt Moran reveals his dinner party secrets – and pet hates
At age 15, Matt Moran dropped out of school and learnt to cook. Along the way, he has learned how to run a business, manage people and stay sane.
February 2024
Which airlines have the longest beds, widest seats and best recline?
Our at-a-glance guide explains what’s up the pointy end across the main international carriers servicing Australia - from the champagnes to amenity kits.
How to fly to the US and avoid LAX
Here’s a route map with a range of options to help you avoid (or at least limit) the horror of LAX using alternative pathways into the United States.
The airlines making economy class bearable
It’s never going to feel as good as turning left. But finally, many airlines are putting more thought and care into improving the economy experience.
November 2023
Barbie, Mario Bros spike a product movie boom
Brand owners have become a potent force in Hollywood as video game makers join Mattel’s move into the movie business.