May 2024
How the US Supreme Court became a political organisation
When judges make decisions that should be left to politicians, they undermine democracy.
February 2024
Queensland’s youth crime and no punishment crisis is no beat-up
Premier Steven Miles’ glib line is to “throw the book” at young offenders, but “the book” – the Youth Justice Act – that Labor wrote is part of the problem.
October 2023
The high cost of climate alarmists
It’s not climate deniers who are a problem. It is those who deny the cost of excessive policy trade-offs.
Jacinta Price has turned conventional political wisdom on its head
The Nationals senator has restored in the minds of Australians the value of the truth that equality is about the human dignity of all, and not about race.
The Voice will add to the energy logjam
With tens of billions of dollars’ worth of projects sitting in limbo awaiting approval, it is ironic that the industry is among the most enthusiastic supporters of a Yes vote.
August 2023
Queensland Labor’s problems don’t start and end with Palaszczuk
The premier’s departure could very well leave an untalented and incompetent team without even the veneer of non-threatening warmth that has carried the government though many a scandal.
As the leading Yes man, PM barely knows what he is advocating
Anthony Albanese hasn’t even read the Uluru Statement in full, yet is more focused on constitutional change than on rebuilding tourism or reducing costs for Australians.
Labor hasn’t done any heavy lifting to help tame inflation
To give credit where it is due, Jim Chalmers is resisting the many calls to spend the first surplus, but this is where Labor’s assistance for Australians ends.
July 2023
Yes and No Voice pamphlets pit ‘the vibe’ against a veto
In quoting academics and activists from the Yes campaign, the No case verifies the widely held suspicion that the Albanese government has not been upfront with Australians.
Gladys’ texts are not ‘seriously corrupt’
The point at which the disclosure of a romantic relationship is necessary must now be clarified to avoid deterring women from contributing to politics while searching for love.
June 2023
Why I said #MeToo about David Van
Given that Senator Van has now denied the behaviour, even though it was promptly reported and documented, it tells me something. It tells me that speaking up was the right thing to do.
May 2023
Labor’s childcare and welfare policies at cross-purposes on working mums
To spend heavily to incentivise one cohort of mothers to work while spending heavily to disincentivise another cohort to do so defies logic.
April 2023
Jim Chalmers is skating on very thin ice
Short-term subsidies for household energy bills will have a high long-term price that this government will not face up to.
Liberals avert disaster on the Voice
The Liberal Party is offering a practical way of getting the input of Aboriginal people without allowing permanent and constitutional division.
March 2023
A NSW minority government will be hostage to the radical fringe
The Liberal left has been mistaken in trying to reclaim ground held by federal teals at the expense of core party values.
Labor’s ‘jobs for mates’ narrative lacks integrity
Rather than shift responsibility for appointments to unelected bureaucrats, isn’t it better to have the politicians in charge of decisions for which they can be held accountable?
February 2023
Justice system must be blind to #believeher good intentions
Justice for victims of sexual crimes won’t be achieved by dismantling protections for all against the serious scenario that we might be falsely accused of a crime.
Queensland’s sick state of health
The Albanese government’s Medicare shake-up will be undercut by the Palaszczuk government’s GP payroll tax grab.
January 2023
Schools need right culture, not more dollars
All the Gonski money in the world can’t help teachers compensate for broken families and disengaged parents.
How gas price caps blow up investment
Labor’s intervention tells investors in hydrogen that policy can change on a whim if the politics suit it.