Ultimate sacrifice: Older sister takes on alleged abuse to save younger sister
An older sister has made the ultimate sacrifice and took on the abuse by her mother’s partner to protect her baby sister, a court has heard.
An older sister has made the ultimate sacrifice and took on the abuse by her mother’s partner to protect her baby sister, a court has heard.
This child abuser will serve less prison time than his crimes took to commit.
A 34-year-old man has been sentenced in the District Court for possessing child exploitation material claiming he had a “good reason” for his offending.
A man accused of the daylight sexual assault of a 12-year-old child on a train last month has had his case called on early to enter pleas.
A decorated SA Police detective who sexually assaulted a teenage girl has been unmasked as his brave victim and her family confronted him in court.
A top Corrections officer has admitted to sexually abusing a teenage boy, and secretly filming other children with his husband. And he’s been allowed to remain on bail.
The heir to a South Australian seafood empire has admitted to grooming young children in various suburbs around Adelaide.
An elderly man has been jailed after make full and frank admissions to police, who found over thousands of files containing child abuse material in his home earlier this year.
A South Australian man preyed on a vulnerable family to groom a teenager who he then impregnated with triplets, a court has heard.
A third man has pleaded guilty to preying on a “very vulnerable” child who ended up taking her own life.
A judge has condemned a father’s lack of awareness when it came to viewing child exploitation material, saying he chose to not see the “haunting” element.
Two brothers have been sentenced for sexually abusing and impregnating children, with one managing to walk free from court.
An abused child has told a pedophile who sexually abused him to fuel his sickening fetish he hopes he rots in hell – and that he’s never freed.
A father who abused his own son and attacked a police officer has asked a judge not to confiscate his gaming computer – and her response is one for the ages.
Original URL: https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/topics/child-sex-offenders-sa/page/10