
Our Journalists

David Penberthy

David Penberthy is a columnist with The Advertiser and Sunday Mail, and also co-hosts the FIVEaa Breakfast show. He’s a former editor of the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Mail and


Kids call the shots in modern families

Kids call the shots in modern families

Sometime in the past few decades, parents stopped being the leaders of the family unit and became slaves to the tyrannies of the ankle-biters — but there’s got to be a better way, writes David Penberthy.

Humans aren’t species snobs, that’s just evolution

Humans aren’t species snobs, that’s just evolution

According to PETA’s latest outcry, anyone who thinks animals are different to humans is engaging in the barbaric practice of “speciesism”. It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly ridiculous, writes David Penberthy.

Tough luck if you don’t like it, dole bludgers are real

Tough luck if you don’t like it, dole bludgers are real

This week, Sunrise presenter Natalie Barr was brutally shamed after using the term ‘dole bludger’ on air. But whether Australia’s sensitive souls want to accept it or not is moot — dole bludgers are alive and well, writes David Penberthy.

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