Government’s aged care censorship is inexcusable
It may be in the best interests of the government to keep people away from the truth of our aged care sector, but to do so is a brutal disgrace to all Australians, writes David Penberthy.
It may be in the best interests of the government to keep people away from the truth of our aged care sector, but to do so is a brutal disgrace to all Australians, writes David Penberthy.
Extended Supervision Orders aren’t worth the paper they’re written on when it comes to someone like Luke Brandon, who was arrested once again this week, writes David Penberthy.
Benjamin George pleaded guilty to murder, but his lawyers say everything other than his own decisions are to blame. You really have to wonder just how many excuses we can hear, writes David Penberthy.
“G’day Corey, two more hold-ups again last night… our staff are feeling scared,” an SA hotelier wrote today. Our pubs, their workers and their patrons, deserve a proper show of support from our Ministers.
If there’s one thing the Prime Minister’s recent attitude towards press freedom has shown us, it’s that if anyone is living in a bubble it’s him, not the rest of us, writes David Penberthy.
Inner-city liberals and political commentators derided Scott Morrison’s attendance at a Hillsong service during the federal election, but it may just have been a masterstroke, writes David Penberthy.
People were outraged by photos of gay talk show host Ellen DeGeneres sharing a laugh with former President George W Bush last week, but David Penberthy wonders why a friendship like this is so hard for people to swallow.
There’s a word for the gaggle of self-styled iconoclasts cherry picking or ignoring research to suit their own agenda, writes David Penberthy. It’s time we call these cultists out for what they are.
People who believe in climate change are better educated than those who don’t, which is why climate denying cultists like to pretend the dreadlocked protesters are the insane ones, writes David Penberthy.
Every generation has its fears and every child gets anxious sometimes, but has helicopter parenting created an environment where healthy anxiety is being medicalised, asks David Penberthy.
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