
The Umbilical Brothers | Adelaide Fringe 2022 Review

The Umbilical Brothers never stop evolving, with antics and slapstick that are a really impressive coup of comedy and theatre.

The Umbilical Brothers: The Distraction An Encore.
The Umbilical Brothers: The Distraction An Encore.

The Umbilical Brothers: The Distraction An Encore


Rating: *****
Babylon at The Garden of Unearthly Delights

Until March 6

The Umbilical Brothers are constantly multiplying their fun and games through polished technical magic and stage mayhem.

Where once radio plays were performed in real time with microphones and foleys, we now have a whole suite of video cameras, green screens, digital film effects, and a veejay, Doug Bayne, to open new vistas.

Live onstage and projecting action on a big screen above, their antics and slapstick have become a really impressive coup of comedy and theatre.

Their heads explode, as do selected members of the audience.

The Brothers – David Collins and Shane Dundas – take over a space station – “This is Whitney, Houston” – and experiment with weightless acrobatics.

They steer little cameras through the city streets of a miniature set to stage a race in cars and helicopters chased by a giant baby doll that probably scared even its tiny tot owner once upon a time.

Unlike so many physical comedy acts this duo has never stopped evolving over two decades.

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