Let’s get our city’s biggest party started! Find the perfect show for you, book your tickets and read our reviews with The ’Tiser Fringe Adviser.
With more than 1000 shows to choose from at the 2022 Adelaide Fringe, The ’Tiser Fringe Adviser helps you decide where to spend your hard-earned cash.
It combines detailed info on each show with searchable filters and our critics’ reviews to deliver a real-time, constantly updating list of shows. It helps you know what’s hot – and what’s not.
For now, you can browse the full program and use the filters (category, classification and venue) to find the sort of shows you’re interested in.
Perhaps you’re more into mainstream comedy than modern dance ... just use the filters to find the comedy shows in venues near you. We’ll show you all the session times and then you’re just a click away from buying tickets.
Every day we’re adding more reviews for selected shows – and you can have your say by giving the shows you’ve seen a star rating out of five. If you just want to see the shows we’ve reviewed and read the critics’ verdict, click on Reviews and select “All Reviews”. Happy Fringeing!
Reviews: The ultimate guide on what to see at Fringe and Festival
Some of the hottest acts are returning to Adelaide for the 2025 Fringe and Festival, we got a sneak peek and here’s what’s looking hot for this year’s event.
From homeless to comedy queen: Mum’s stand-up story of resilience
Comedian Kalah Lovegrove has always had a knack for making people laugh. But her journey to the stage is unlike any other.