
The Handmodel’s Tale | Adelaide Fringe 2022 review

Firstly, Victor David is Dutch and secondly, he actually has worked as a hand model in advertising photos and videos.

Adelaide Fringe 2022. The Handmodel's Tale. Picture: Adelaide Fringe
Adelaide Fringe 2022. The Handmodel's Tale. Picture: Adelaide Fringe

The Handmodel’s Tale


Rating: ***

Studio at Bakehouse Theatre

Until February 26

There are two things to know about Victor David. Firstly, he’s Dutch and secondly, he actually has worked as a hand model in advertising photos and videos.

Make that three things. He’s not a stand-up comedian in Australian terms. Did I mention he’s Dutch and their sense of humour is very different to ours?

He’s very personable and tells a loose collection of stories about his hippy parents, the drug scene in Amsterdam and his expatriate life in Sydney.

There are quite a few jokes about hand jobs. It does help to know that space cakes are sponge cakes made with cannabis infused butter. Recipes can easily be found.

His songs are short, eccentric, and his keyboard skills impressive. He’s relaxed and friendly with his, albeit, small audience and next time he could let us in to the Dutch brand of humour. Lost in transition or translation? I’d love to find out.

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