
Millicent Sarre is Opinionated | Adelaide Fringe 2022 review

Millicent Sarre is opinionated but she’s also powerful, simply captivating, armed with a voice like syrup and a pen like a sword.

Millicent Sarre is Opinionated.
Millicent Sarre is Opinionated.

Millicent Sarre is Opinionated


Rating: *****

The Lark at Gluttony

Until March 6

Millicent Sarre’s hot feminist takes should be mandatory viewing. She’s opinionated but also powerful, simply captivating, armed with a voice like syrup and a pen like a sword.

For the better part of a decade, I’ve never openly wept at a Fringe show – until now.

The way Sarre holds a mirror up to society while simultaneously baring her soul via her own lived experience battling the injustices of modern womanhood is an art not nearly valued enough.

And while she’s as much a woman shouting (singing) her own self-love from the rooftops, Sarre is a beacon of positive reinforcement – the embodiment of a motivational bumper sticker.

If there’s a mantra the Millicents and the Grace Tames of the world can drill into 2022 it’s that we should be opinionated, and we shouldn’t be ashamed to be loud about it.

The problem is that the people who need to hear Sarre probably won’t buy tickets.

So take your daughters, nieces, mums and sisters – but take your brothers, dads, boyfriends and husbands too.

Because if you’re not a feminist in 2022, you need some guidance from a self-described professional one.

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