Canola prices rise, boosting winter crop confidence
Canola prices are trending at higher levels. We chat to farmers about what it means for their winter sowing programs.
Canola prices are trending at higher levels. We chat to farmers about what it means for their winter sowing programs.
A small pub that sold its licence before the Sydney Olympics is the gold standard for longevity as a community operation.
The Gubbins family sold 162 bulls at an average of $11,290 during their on-property. See our rolling coverage of this season’s bull sales.
Store cattle numbers have surged at southern saleyards as producers offload stock early due to drought.
Demand from livestock producers is driving up straw prices across southern Australia. We break down the latest figures.
Canola prices have risen to $825 a tonne in Victoria this week, while wheat returns are more subdued. See how grain and oilseed prices are performing.
Both the Eastern Young Cattle Indicator and the National Young Cattle Indicator have fallen this week. See the latest figures.
Small falls have been recorded in the trade lamb and mutton indicators. Restocker lambs have increased in value. See the results here.
Heavy lamb prices have moved north in the past week gaining almost 30c/kg after a period of price free fall. See what it means for vendors.
Farmers gathered at in Birchip to explore new crop varieties, robotics and innovative cropping technologies.
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