
Cotton yields may buck industry projections

Cotton growers in the southern valleys are reporting yields that are double or up to three times higher than last year.

Timely start to winter sowing

Cotton growers in the southern valleys are reporting yields that are double or up to three times higher than last year.

In the Lachlan and Murrumbidgee valleys, estimates of an average of 12 bales a hectare are tipped, with some growers saying they are seeing three times the output of last year.

However, a boost in yields and high prices of more than $650 a bale doesn’t correlate with recent industry projections released by the United States Department of Agriculture.

The World Cotton Supply and Use outlook indicators released in April put Australian production at 4.80 million (480 pound) bales. The projections compare to 5.80 million bales this time last year.

Cotton at Griffith in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area. Picture: Andy Rogers
Cotton at Griffith in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area. Picture: Andy Rogers

CottonInfo regional extension officer for the southern valleys, Kieran O’Keeffe, said estimates for the southern valleys were 10 to 12 bales a hectare. He said the average was now likely to be closer to 12 bales.

“It has been a pretty positive start to picking, and I am hearing of some good reports; we are seeing a big turnaround from last year,” he said.

Mr O’Keeffe said the final tonnages would not be known until ginning was complete, but overall, there were early signs of positivity.

About 80,000 hectares of cotton were planted in the Lachlan and Murrumbidgee Valleys.

“I think potentially we could see from 900,000 to a million bales for the southern valleys this season,” he said.

“And the price looks tremendous with $650 a bale upwards,” he said.

“It could easily be a bigger crop than predicted.”

Cotton grower Paul Cleton from Hillston in southern NSW said he was nearly 20 per cent through cotton picking.

“We are pretty happy, and the cotton is producing 14 bales a hectare on average,” he said.

“There are still a lot of growers yet to start picking, and we have been going for about a week,” he said.

“I think you could nearly say that yields are up to three times better than what we saw last year,” he said. Mr Cleton said last year was one of the worst on record for yields in the southern valleys.

Mr Cleton said it was too early to determine the quality, but the cotton looked good visually, and growers were pleased with the warmer weather.

“We are hearing of reports of 12 to 13 bales/ha at Coleambally, too,” he said.

Mr Cleton said it was still early days and the outcome would be more evident in the next month to six weeks.

The latest RaboResearch Semi-annual Global Fertiliser Outlook, released this week, cites a positive outlook for cotton returns.

RaboResearch’s Vitor Pistoia said cotton prices were set to remain favourable in the near future.

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