By Aleisha Orr
As with the beginning of any New Year - 2014 started for many Western Australians with time spent at the beach.
But with an unprecedented spate of fatal shark attacks along the state's coast in the previous three and a half years, the idea of a day on the water shifted slightly.
Protesters took to the beach in their thousands against the controversial drum linesCredit: Damian Shaw
Just a few weeks before the New Year's resolutions kicked in, the then Fisheries Minister Troy Buswell and Premier Colin Barnett had announced the government's plan to reduce the risk of shark attacks in 2014.
It was prompted by the seventh death caused by a shark in WA within a period of less than three and a half years.
Premier Colin Barnett with hooks used on drum lines to catch sharks.Credit: Aleisha Orr
Shark kill zones were to be implemented along sections of the coast near Perth and in the South West.
In these zones, baited hooks would be set on drum lines, in an effort to catch large great white, tiger and bull sharks.
Premier Colin Barnett said the public wanted stronger action against the shark threat, while also conceding that "some people will be critical and have a different view".
"However, the safety of human life, and the safety of beachgoers and people using the marine environment, must come first," he said.
Under the plan, they could be shot dead and their carcases disposed of further off the coast if they measured three metres or longer.
The proposal caused outrage amongst those against the plans, who turned out in numbers barely seen at protests in Perth before, at Cottesloe Beach on January 4, with many labelling it a "cull".
While the state government was quick to say the measures it planned on taking were not a cull, opposition grew.
Images of the peaceful protest which saw 4000 people come out against the plan, many with children and signs with slogans such as "science not slaughter", won over many - but much of the community was still split on the matter.
While there were many who supported the government's approach to sharks, unlike those in opposition, there was no centralised group representing that view.
Surfing WA are among those who support killing sharks to reduce the chances of shark attacks.
The issue turned ugly that same month when death threats became part of the heated debate on the matter.
Ken Baston, who had taken over the Fisheries portfolio by this stage, announced that officers from the Fisheries Department would carry out the deployment and monitoring of drum lines in the metropolitan area as the successful contractor for shark kill zones in the metropolitan area pulled out because of death threats.
Five days later the operator who won the contract for the South West region set drum lines and began monitoring them.
They were to be monitored from 6am to 6pm raising concerns animals could remain in the hooks for more than 12 hours before being released or killed.
The first shark to be killed as part of the policy was caught on Australia Day off Meelup Beach, near Dunsborough - the same week the Premier's office was attacked by a hammer-wielding vandal, who daubed "Egomaniac" in red paint across the building.
The way in which the policy was carried out meant it copped a bit more criticism than anticipated, and Perth cultural studies expert Jon Stratton said the policy's bumpy roll out and the graphic images of sharks in the public sphere made it hard for people to support.
The Curtin University lecturer said "You can't very well say that's OK they are catching small sharks or they don't even know what type of sharks they are catching."
"When you see an image of a small shark being pulled out of the sea to a boat clearly in very desperate straits, it's very hard for supporters to continue to say this is what we should do."
The weekend after the incident at the Premier's office another protest was held at Cottesloe Beach and interest had spiralled, with about 6000 people taking part.
Debate was heated and the matter was referred to the Environmental Protection Authority.
The EPA referral was not the only challenge to the kill-zones policy as conservation group Sea Shepherd attempted to secure a court injunction to force the WA government to suspend its policy, and the Greens called for a motion to revoke the exemption given to WA.
Following a public consultation period the EPA made the decision not to further assess the state government's shark drum line program and EPA chairman Paul Vogel said the matter would not be investigated as the environmental impact was expected to be "negligible".
After debate about the duration of the programme, drum lines were pulled up at the end of April and the final tally showed that 172 sharks and eight other animals had been snared.
Most of the sharks caught were tiger sharks and 50 of those were shot dead.
Once the state government initiated plans for introducing the kill zones for three more years, the matter was again referred to the EPA, which recommended against the plan.
This decision meant the Premier then ruled out using drum lines for the 2014/15 summer.
Mr Barnett then said the government would focus on how to deal with "rogue sharks that threatened public safety" and "strengthening" procedures in responding to them.
He also said he wanted to find more ways to protect beachgoers in the South West where the risk of shark attacks had not been reduced as much as the metropolitan area.
The state government is also moving towards introducing shark nets at calm beaches where conditions make them a suitable option.
While there have been no confirmed fatal shark attacks in 2014, there was speculation about whether Mandurah diver Michael McGregor had been killed by a shark, when his body was found with bite marks on it a few days after going missing while diving with friends.
In early October, 23-year-old Sean Pollard had an arm and another hand bitten off by a shark while surfing at Wylie Bay in Esperance.
While some may view the absence of fatal shark attacks this year as a sign that the state government's policy is working the WA community still remains split on how to deal with sharks.
The one thing that all West Australians can agree on is that they hope 2015 is a safer year for water goers than past ones.