By Nicole Cox and Aleisha Orr
Drum lines will not be deployed off West Australian beaches this summer.
Premier Colin Barnett said the government did not plan to appeal the Environmental Protection Authority's decision rejecting the state government's shark kill zones proposal.
EPA recommends shark drum lines are not to be implemented along WA beaches.Credit: Aleisha Orr
He said while the State Government would not be appealing the EPA decision, the application for drum lines was still before Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt.
"We are accepting the EPA decision here so we are not going to appeal it. That means it will not be possible to have drum lines over this summer. If we were to do so there would clearly be court challenges and you would never get there,” the Premier said.
Mr Barnett said it appeared there were different rules for the eastern states, where drum lines are allowed, and Western Australia. The government would now focus on how to deal with rogue sharks that threatened public safety, he said.
"I don’t think that drum lines will apply in Western Australia for this summer and probably maybe not again. I would want to have the capacity to deal with an imminent threat and deal with it immediately. A process of conversations going backwards and forwards to Canberra has proven to be totally ineffective."
"I cannot simply walk away and say that's the EPA decision. They only look at the environment. I have to look at environment plus public safety. I don't like drum lines more than anyone else but I had to respond to a situation of seven fatalities in three years."
He said the government would look at putting swimming enclosures at beaches where there were calm waters, for example at Dunsborough.
EPA decision
Earlier on Thursday the EPA announced that it had recommended the West Australian government's plan to operate shark kill zones off WA beaches for the next three years not be implemented.
The authority received a record amount of public submissions on the matter which attracted world-wide condemnation.
EPA chairman Paul Vogel said "there remains a high degree of scientific uncertainty about impacts in the viability of the south-western white shark population".
The kill zones were deployed in a trial earlier this year and involved baited hooks on drum lines set one kilometre from shore on selected WA beaches.
Any great white, bull and tiger sharks longer than three metres were shot dead as part of the program designed to reduce the risk of shark attacks.
The program was prompted by seven deaths as a result of sharks in WA in three years.
Premier Colin Barnett said he was disappointed by the EPA's recommendation but could not ignore the spate of deadly shark attacks.
"It is up to government to deal with public safety issues," he told Parliament.
Last summer, more than 170 sharks were caught on baited drumlines and 50 were killed, but none was a great white.
Opposition leader Mark McGowan said the Premier should now withdraw his proposal to implement drum lines.
Mr McGowan said the program had embarrassed the state, cost a lot of money and had ultimately "failed".
'Too much uncertainty': Vogel
Dr Vogel said he could only assess matters of environmental impact. He said the decision was based on the expectation that 25 great white sharks would be killed across three years.
The decision was a cautious one that "erred on the side of the environment", he said.
Dr Vogel said CSIRO was asked to provide a peer review of the government's PER document, a response to EPA questions and a Close Out Report on the government's response to the public submissions.
"Despite the proponent’s best efforts to make conservative and plausible estimates, the advice received from the CSIRO stated there remained too much uncertainty in the available information and evidence about the south-western white shark population, population trends and the bycatch from commercial fisheries," Dr Vogel said.
"After careful deliberation, the EPA has concluded that there is a high degree of scientific uncertainty as to whether the proposal can meet our objective for marine fauna."
Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt said he would look carefully at the EPA report, take advice from his department and consider the public submissions before making a decision.
Greens celebrate
Greens MLC Lynn MacLaren said a shark cull was not the answer to keeping swimmers safe.
"While I welcome the EPA providing a proper assessment on this issue I remain concerned that the summer 2014 cull went ahead without any assessment by the WA EPA and that an exemption was granted under the Federal EPBC Act on the most spurious grounds that it was in the national interest,” she said.
"Over three-and-half months last summer, 172 sharks, all of which are supposed to be protected in WA, were captured, and most of them we know subsequently died a slow death that achieved nothing to increase human safety.
"We mourn them but for now, today is a cause for a big celebration, for so much hard work by many good people."
The Wilderness Society welcomed the EPA's decision.