

This was published 11 years ago

Shark cull fisherman's credentials questioned

By Aleisha Orr

Protestors have labelled the first killing of a shark as part of the West Australia shark-kill policy as "inhumane" saying the fisherman carrying out the work as part of the policy did not have sufficient knowledge to identify sharks correctly or euthanase them properly.

The policy was introduced following a string of fatal attacks in WA waters in recent years.

Any great white shark, tiger shark or bull shark longer than three metres caught on drum lines set by a commercial fisherman in the South West region or by the Department of Fisheries in the metropolitan area will be shot.

Baited drum lines were deployed in the South West on Sunday and the first shark was caught and killed off Meelup Beach, near Dunsborough.

The first shark has been caught under WA's new shark-kill policy.

The first shark has been caught under WA's new shark-kill policy.Credit: Nine News Perth

The shark was shot four times in the head, before its carcass was dragged out of the water and dumped at sea further away from the coastline than the drum lines that sit one-kilometre from the South West beach.

While there was confusion about the species of the shark initially, with the fisher having told people that the shark he killed was a tiger shark, the Department of Premier and Cabinet has since confirmed that it was actually a 3.3-metre bull shark.

Ross Weir, founder of West Australians for Shark Conservation said volunteers had been on the waters since the deployment of baited drum lines.


"We believe this individual has not been adequately trained," he said.

"This policy has been rushed through from the start and we are calling upon the state government to stand down the tender operator.

"He has mistakenly identified a bull shark as a tiger shark and he is also using an inadequate firearm to euthanase his animals.

"A .22 calibre rifle is simply not a powerful enough firearm to humanely euthanase a large shark, four shots into a large tiger shark is not a humane manner of dispatching the animal.

"If this firearm was to be used on a great white shark... there have been incidences where great white sharks have been shot over 20 times with high-powered rifles and they still have not died."

"This is animal cruelty.

"It creates the potential for protected species to be brought on board and to be shot as there are no independent or government observers on this vessel."

A spokesman for the Department of Premier and Cabinet refused to answer specific question on the matter instead saying "the government is satisfied that the shark identification and disposal protocols and processes put in place for the shark hazard mitigation strategy are being adhered to".

Activists also backtracked on claims they were sabotaging the drum lines, refusing to confirm they had removed bait from the hooks placed along beaches near Meelup and Dunsborough.

After saying on Monday groups had been removing bait from the lines, Mr Weir refused repeatedly to repeat his claim.

"We have had no contact with police, and have not broken the law. We are pursuing non-violent, direct action, legal tactics - but we will push the boundaries," Mr Weir said.

Anyone tampering with the equipment could face penalties of 12 months' jail for individuals and a $25,000 fine, while groups could be fined $50,000.

Reports suggest five drum lines checked on Tuesday morning were without bait.

Spokeswoman for Animal Amnesty Amy Wilkins said her organisation was concerned that other animals in addition to sharks could become by-catch on the baited hooks.

"Our major concern is that there are no independent observers on this vessel and that we are the only independent observers that are out there observing this fisherman," she said.

The fisherman with the contract to carry out the work in the South West told Fairfax Media that he had been told to refer all media queries to the Department of Premier and Cabinet's spokesperson on the matter "otherwise it'll turn into a circus".

Greens MP Lynn MacLaren said she was working to build a legal case against the policy.

- with AAP

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